chapter 16

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We practiced until it was time for the show, but we did take breaks, so we didn't practice the whole time, once it was time for the show Roxy was hyper and excited, I was too but, I had to tell Monty how I felt so I was looking nervous, once Monty and chica left, Roxy came over to me,

Roxy: nervous on that confession?

I nod with a slight smile on my face,

Roxy: hey, don't worry, I'm sure Monty will love you back, don't sweat it, and if he rejects you then I'm always here, and chica

Freddy (me): thank you Roxy,

Roxy: no problem! Now, let's go outside to the stage and get those costumes on and preform!

She then grabbed my hand and took me to outside at the back of the school, once we got there Monty and chica where already changed, and what made my face turn red was that Monty was practically shirtless, despite the vest thing he wore, he also had purple shoulder blades on and glasses, star shaped, chica on the other hand had on this bright pink tank top with accessories like triangle earrings and a bow, she also had these cute bracelets, pink and purple,

Once me and Roxy where changed Roxy had a red top on with red shoulder blades, she had these red shorts on and she had purple gloves on, she also had a chain attached to her waist, I loved her outfit, it was cool! My outfit, I was shirtless but with a vest like Monty's, his vest was yellow and purple while mine was red and this light blue color, I also had shorts on, they where brown and I had some makeup on, (you should probably know the design lol)
And I had this red earring on my ear, and a hat, oh, and shoulder blades! They were red, I loved all the outfits and what I would bet! Is that Monty's fangirls are gonna start drooling over the site of him, it was time to start preforming and we played the first song once everyone was there, once the song began I was nervous, not just about my singing voice but, how Monty would react to my confession, I began to sing the song that was assigned and I did well, Monty was doing really good at the bass, reminded me of bonnie,  Roxy playing the keyboard, she was amazing! Chica played that guitar and did amazing! I was happy we could make all these people cheer! The songs where done and everyone was clapping, I was so happy, then Roxy came up to me,

Roxy: go get the gator! Me and chica will wait for you at the entrance once we get these clothes off us and change! Good luck!

Freddy (me): thank you Roxy! I appreciate it!

With her words I built up the courage to go and meet Monty...

I waited for him and soon he came to where I told us to meet,

Monty: so, what were ya needen'?

I look at Monty and blush, I was panicking on the inside,

Monty: Freddy?

Freddy (me): I'm fine! I, actually needed to tell you something! Something important,

Monty: and what is this "somethin' "?

I look at Monty, I couldn't speak, I was so nervous, heck, I was even shaking a little,

Monty: are you okay?

Freddy (me): I'm fine, I, actually have this, Thing going on, and I needed to tell you,

Monty looked confused at me and he seemed to not know what I was talking about, I mean, I can't blame him,

Freddy (me): Monty, I...I have had...

Monty: ya have had a what?

I then Stood straight and looked at Monty directly in the eyes and then grabbed his hand,

Freddy (me): Monty, I...I have had a crush on you Monty, I, really like you, more like a friend type of like,

I let go of his hand and look at him, and he looked shocked, but then, he grabbed my shoulder and pulled me in close to him, then, for real this time, he kissed me, he knew, what he was doing, he knew, he then stopped kissing me and looked at me,

Monty: I like you too! I always did, heck, ever since we met! I'm so glad you like me back!

Freddy (me): you, really love me back!? I'm so happy!

I then kiss him with no hesitation and then Monty stopped kissing me,

Monty: let's get these clothes off us and get changed,

Freddy (me): yeah, the girls are probably waiting!

We get changed and went to the entrance, me and Monty were holding hands and Roxy noticed,


Chica: Wow! How exciting!

Monty: yeah,

Roxy: Yes! I knew this day would come! Now! Let's get home chica!  I will walk you,

They both left and I knew Roxy was leaving me and Monty so we could have privacy to talk and such,

Monty: so, what are we gonna do when we get back?

Freddy (me): not sure,

Monty and I then went back to my house and we put away our stuff and sat down on the couch, we both were not really hungry so we just watched TV together, I still couldn't believe Monty was my Boyfriend now, I was happy, but then I heard Monty ask me something,

Monty: so, what do ya think happen'd to Leon?

Freddy (me): well, probably in jail, at least I hope!

Monty: oh, well, I hope that too,

Freddy (me): I'm kinda bored right now,

Monty then looked at me and smiled then came close to me,

Monty: I know somethin' we could do~

What on earth am I doing, btw the next chapter is gonna be...

Le smut 😏

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