38 - Flames and Screams

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Now that we lost Miasma, do we still look for Antares?" asks Nia once we're back in our room. It's almost midnight and most of the six other girls I share this room with are half–asleep. Well, except for Sagittaria, who's alert and awake, sketching on a notebook with a satisfied smirk.

I lean back on the couch I'll be sleeping on. "Do we have any other options?" I ask, letting my eyes drift shut and then open again.

"Find our parents and live a normal life," suggests Sagittaria, sprawled out on the carpet.

"I'd agree with you, but then we'd both be wrong," says Carina in a syrupy and overly fake voice as she beams at Sagittaria. "We have powers now, in case you don't remember. We're probably assumed dead in the fire. We've been running from homicidal weirdos in hoods and random shadows. Anyway, my parents suck. I was there because ..." she stops and looks away.

"Oh yeah," Vienna says sleepily, slurring her words. "So, say we find Antares. What do we do then?"

I shrug, forcefully prying my eyes open again after they've drifted shut on their own. "Honestly, I have no idea. This was just a ploy to get Miasma to come with us so that there would be less chances of us dying. I guess ... we'll just live with the Shadowstalkers or something. Isn't that what they want us to do?"

"Yeah well, I hate Hydrus," a sleepy Caprice mumbles. "He can go to hell for all I care. I want to help him get started on that journey."

"Shut up or I will tape you to the wall and tape a knife over your head," Aquaria's slurred voice comes from somewhere. No one can see her. I'm pretty sure she decided to sleep under the bed. I'd honestly not want to do that, because of bedbugs or anything.

We all glance at each other before coming to to conclusion that none of us want to be taped to the wall, so we indeed do shut up. About fifteen minutes I'm about to fall asleep before I hear a cheerful chirp from Sagittaria.

"Oh wait! I have Miasma's number!"

"SHUT UP!" Nia and Carina yell. I'll guess that just like me, they were disturbed from their sleep.

The next afternoon, we decide to travel to a Portal. The problem is that this city doesn't have a Portal. And we need someone above twenty years old to accompany us. Which means that we're now calling Miasma's number and praying she answers.

"Hello, this is Spectra Veil, I don't care who you are but you can go to hell now or —"

"Is this a voicemail?" a bemused Leo asks with a thin smile as a false deep voice, obviously a mockery, answers the phone.

"— our scary lovestruck assistant hacker — I mean, Haunt — will be all edgy and dark and kill you with the EDGINESS — SPECTRA!"

Caprice holds the phone away from her ears as the voice thunders through the speakers, yelling the last word. "Well, that's Miasma. And I'm guessing this is not, indeed, a voicemail."

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