Chapter 18: Natalia

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The entire time, I couldn't stop thinking about Justin and his mom. I truly was happy when I saw Lucy in that situation. It was satisfying and I was truly relieved that at least she got a thirst of her own medicine. But after thinking deeply about it, I realize that it was all for nothing. I may have been satisfied by her suffering but I won't gain anything by letting her die just because of a few dollars.

Yet there is that small tiny voice at the back of my mind telling me that they don't deserve my help, and I desperately want to listen to that voice, I desperately want to agree with it, but what would I gain?

Justin would lose his mother and get to experience the kind of pain I experience when he had so brutally degraded me by calling me an orphan who was abandoned by her parents cause apparently no one wants her.

This is my chance to make him feel the same pain. I wanted to make him suffer. The only way he would get to feel what I felt when he emotionally abused me in the past is if he also lose someone important to him. Maybe that way he would realize the pain I had to carry around which he only added to with every word that come out of his mouth. Losing his mother would be the best revenge for me.

But of course, I may hate the guy with all my heart and soul but I wasn't sure I was that cruel. The pain of being an orphan is something I don't want even my greatest enemy to experience. Doing that to Justin is not the best way to go about things cause it's just too cruel even to him.

I was torn between helping him and not helping him. I didn't want him to get the wrong idea and think that I have forgiven him. That was the last thing I'm ever going to do or make him think. The things he said and did to me in the past had destroyed me too much and there is no way I can forgive that. There is no way I'm going to help him. I just can't do it. I guess I'm not the forgiving type after all.

A buzzing sound filled my apartment signifying that someone was at the door. I tied my night robe firmly around myself and approach the door wondering who would visit this late in the night.

I stared at the door camera and saw Kaila standing outside with a box of something that looks like pizza in her hands. A smile immediately grazes my lips as I opened the door to let her in.

"Surprise!" she smiled brightly at me lifting the box of pizza to my face.

"What are you doing here this late? Not that I mind" I shift aside to let her walk in.

"Well mom and dad went out on a date and I was bored all by myself. I decided to come spend time with my sister instead"

"Did you tell mom and your dad that you were coming here?"

She rolled her eyes and set the box of pizza down on my center table facing the television "I didn't need to tell them anything, I'm old enough to take care of myself" I gave her a look and she quickly added "but I texted mom just in case"

"That's good"

Her eyes finally took in the apartment and she smiled widely "damn the place is gorgeous" she moved towards the glass wall and stared at the lit up city below it "wow! You're really that rich aren't you?"

I shrug and sat down on the sofa pulling the lid of the pizza box "so did you just come here to admire my apartment or to spend time with me"

She smiled and joined me on the sofa "of course I came to spend time with you, but you shouldn't blame me for getting distracted, this place is bomb" she turn to face me with an excited expression, folding one leg on the sofa to look at me properly "what do you say about me coming to live here?"

I looked at her with a raised brow "you want to live here?"

"Yeah. I think it will be cool and we'll get to spend enough sister time together. What do you say?"

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 11, 2022 ⏰

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