Chapter 23: Love Is A Fear

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Greyson Mendez

Leaving the hospital with no luck there was nothing else but to do was wait

While texting one of my men to send me a car to get home I get a call from security

"Hey boss"

I sighed rolling my eyes, "what?"

"That Jones boy is here with your Niece"

Giggling a bit I responded, "Yeah I know let him in, and send me a car I need a ride home"

I then hung up the phone waiting for my car


"Atlas send your brother down here please" I demanded to Atlas as we sat across from each other in my office

The tension was thicker then Veronica will ever be, and that says a lot

Atlas sat there staring at me with a straight face, "Fine"

I gave a smirk in satisfaction, "With Veronica In the hospital with Ariel and Alexa, that gives me the time to do whatever the fuck I want to your father. That leads me to your brother"

Atlas face went white as his eyes went to concern

I giggle, "Don't worry pretty boy I'm not gonna hurt your little bro. Even if I wanted to, Veronica would throw a fit about it and I would have to deal with it." Atlas sighs in relief, "But that doesn't mean that I'm not gonna hurt anyone, I have Veronica already locked up in this house so it doesn't matter what I do."

"So what are you gonna do Jackass?" He questions

Laughing at him I get up from my chair, "I'm gonna have JJ, and Ace torture your father. Unless you would rather me do it cause if I do it, it would be way worse then just going through torture, it would be going through hell"

Atlas shrugged his shoulders and leaned back in his chair, "Leo will be here tomorrow"

I nodded my head and sat back down , "Or I could do something else because torturing is to much work, you think a spiked whiskey bottle will do the trick?" I giggled

Atlas nodded his head and crossed his arms over his chest, "Let's get one thing straight"

He then took a deep breath, "Veronica as walked through hell wearing nothing but a smile throughout the years. Because she knew damn well she could bring all of her god damn demons to their knees, and she as done nothing but that. And I swear, Mendez if you hurt her I will gut you like a pig. Do whatever you want to my father but lay a finger on her and you'll be scrubbing Satans back with your dirty money"

I gave a smile and nodded my head, "mhm"

Atlas then got up and left the office closing the door behind him

Calling JJ I ask if he would give Atlas a room until I deal with his father

So I guess this means I get to have all the Jones in one house tomorrow night

I then picked up my phone and pressed the numbers to the one and only Ryan


"How is she doing?" I asked Alexa outside of Veronica's room

She rolled her eyes and kept her attention away from me, "She's doing good, lost a lot of blood but she'll recover and be able to go home tonight" she paused and looked at me with her head up high and her eyes bright, "with us"

I chuckled at her response, "the hell she is"

She gave me a smile and nodded her head no

"You're getting on my nerves. You don't love her, stop lying with your words" she whispered

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