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Gary POV:

(This is from a year ago, just after Gary's date with Kathyln.)

'Going back home,' I thought dryly before a smile formed on my face, 'My sister.' 

'Now that I think about it, this is the second time I'll meet her. The last time was quite eventful.'


My mother became pregnant nine months ago and since then the preparation for a new Whiteborn began. My father has become more affectionate it seems, seeing that he slept with mother even though there was already a heir.

I was going to be eleven years older than her, but it didn't really matter. I was over sixteen years older than my sister in my previous life after all.

'I'll treat her the best possible,' I thought, 'Every demand she makes will be met.'

"My lord Gary, we have arrived," my driver said as he opened the carriage door for me and bowed.

I came down from the carriage, my head high. I saw familiar servants and knights all bowing down with pure respect.

I felt confused when I saw sweat flowing down their heads and necks, "Hmm?!" One of the knights turned towards me and whispered, "Your aura, my lord."

'Looks like I got too excited,' I thought before turning down my aura. The servants and knights relaxed while the butler greeted me, "It's good to see my lord already."

I let out a smile to relax their guards as I nodded. He then lead me, "Her grace is tired after birth, however, if my Lord wishes he can see the new young lady."

I slightly nodded my head but failed to hide my excitement as the butler let out a smile before pardoning himself.

I found the room where my sister was. There were two A-class knights guarding the door. Both of them bowed to me and opened the door, letting me enter.

I came closer to the crib and saw my young sister looking at the the toy with crib while struggling to move her body.

Her cheeks were plump and soft, and she seemed to have taken after mother more than father. Her beautiful blue eyes reminded me of the serene like beauty my mother carried with herself, and while she didn't have any hair yet, I had little doubt it would be silver in colour. 

I dropped my hand into the crib and extended my finger towards her. She looked at my finger with curiosity before trying to grab it with her hands. I let my finger near her and touched her palm, causing her to grasp it completely.

She let out a giggle as our skin met, causing my body to completely relax and a smile to appear on my face. 

She soon let go of my finger and got back to staring at my face. 'I thought babies had short attention spans,' I mused before reaching my hands down to grab her.

I pulled her small delicate body towards me, holding her torso with my right arm and holding up her comically big head with my left hand.

She continued to stare at me, unfazed by the fact that I was carrying her. 'I can't say the same for the rest,' I sighed internally while looking at the two knights who were shocked and looked like they were barely holding themselves back.

'I don't blame them though, I just grabbed a baby like that without any prior experience. They must be worried about her.'

A maid then came into the room and bowed before stating, "His grace requests my lord's presence in his office."

I nodded my head before asking, "Is it her nap time yet?"

The knights both flinched before one of them replied, "Babies need a lot of sleep but she woke up just before you entered the room, so not yet."

"Good," I said before making my way out of the room, carefully carrying and balancing my little sister.

I walked through the hallways, taking in the shocked looks of the various servants and maids in the mansion.

I finally reached the office, the two knights there looking at me and my sister with surprise before knocking on the door, "Your Grace, my Lord is here along with..." his voice trailed off.

"Along with whom?" my father questioned from behind the closed the door. The knight then responded, "With the young lady."

Silence hung the region as father took his sweet time responding. Finally, he said, "Let them in."

The knights both opened the door and let me inside. My father was working hard as ever, with piles of paperwork on his table. An S-class knight stood behind him, his skills only slightly inferior to Galliard's.

"What do you want, father?" I asked curtly. He looked at me and shocked me with emotions on his face.

He then turned towards the S-class knight and said, "Leave us alone."

The knight hesitated before bowing towards both of us and leaving the room. 

My father smiled before saying, "Looks like your cold mask is gone." I replied with my own smile, "I could say the same thing about you."

My father sighed before beginning to speak, "My love for your mother, the same love I never dared to show, finally began to show after you left for Etistin. I'm glad that the two of us are on the same page about my feelings now."

"That's good," I said as a genuine smile appeared on my face, "I am happy for you."

"Thank you."

"What is the business you have for me?"

"I just wanted to see my son after a full year," he responded with pouty lips. My brows twitched, 'That cold man is showing this much emotion now?'

"I'll have you know, I am doing really great," I responded while trying to keep my face calm, "I found a girl to give my all to as well."

My father let out a genuine smile before saying, "I called you here today because I want you to decided the name of your sister."

My brows shot up in surprise as I stuttered out, "M-me?"

He nodded his head, "It was your mother's wish as well."

I was flustered but happy at the same time. 'I get to choose my sister's name,' I thought happily, 'And I know a perfect one.'

"Amelia," I said slowly. My sister perked up in my arms as she heard me say her name. She responded happily by flailing her hands around. 

"Looks like she likes it," my father said before pointing his arms forward, beckoning me to give her to him.

I bit my lips before slowly closing the distance. His eyes rolled while I slowly, and dramatically, gave my little sister to her.

She let out a smile as she brought her close to his chest, rubbing his cheek against her. 

'I am jealous,' I thought as I looked at their interaction. My sister had a happy expression on her face as she made a multitude of noises while my father played with her.

Slowly, my expression changed to that of calm happiness as I looked at their interaction.

Flashback end:

I had unknowingly drifted to sleep while thinking of the last time I came back to the manor. My eyes fluttered open as I saw the mansion in the distance and the carriage closing in quickly. 

'It won't be long before I meet them again,' I thought with a smile.

(A/N: I'll be writing more Amelia interactions later but I wanted to make her very young mostly cause I didn't want her to participate in the war like Ellie. Her interactions will start coming when she's older, around 3-4 years old.)

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