Chapter 100- The New Star of Hope

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"Well... that's everything," Hajime sighed. The heroes all looked at one another and then back at the heroes from the other timelines.

"Is it about time we say goodbye?" Marth asked. The heroes looked up at the others and nodded sorrowfully.

Sonic sighed, "This was such a big adventure... it's bizarre how we have to now say goodbye to one another... I wish we could at least enjoy a little more time with each other."

"We want to do that too but unfortunately our timelines need us, we can't be too far away from them for so long," Marth agreed. He took a deep breath and opened a portal.

Makoto laughed, "Maybe again soon!" Then they all walked into their portal. Marth looked back and smiled.

"Don't forget to stay strong heroes, we're always going to be a part of your new future of peace and power. Good luck," Marth said before disappearing into the portal.

Lucina sighed, "Looks like it's our turn." The heroes looked at the future group. They rushed over to hug their counterpart.

"I wish it didn't have to end in such sorrow and emptiness after announcing the true holder of the staff..." Hu Tao sighed. The heroes opened their portal. They all waved goodbye and one by one they jumped in.

Ganyu announced, "Don't forget us, we will never forget you guys. You will forever be the ones we're always so glad to be descendants of." The heroes smiled and she jumped into the portal. Their portal sealed off and the other heroes were left standing there.

"It's our turn to go through that portal now," Azura sighed. They looked at one another and gave each other hugs.

Albedo sighed, "As long as you guys make it home safe, it's no big deal for us to lose you all..." The heroes all nodded. One by one they opened the portal to their timeline.

Celica waved, "I wish we could meet again one day!" They jumped into their portal one by one. The night became quieter with each minute.

Azura sighed, "We will meet again one day, it doesn't matter when or how. Just saying we will meet again one day... wishing the best for your future heroes..." Then she jumped into the portal.

Kirby cried, "I'm not ready to say goodbye to the last group." The team members looked at the final group and gave them hugs.

"I wish we didn't need to go," Sonia sighed. The others nodded.

Nagito laughed, "But hey, I can see that you guys have a good future!" The others nodded.

"I know we came at such an erupt time but please note that we meant it with full care," Xiao explained. The heroes nodded. Then they opened the last portal that teleported them to their world.

Micaiah sighed, "One last word before we all go. We will support you all from that other timeline, we don't care how far apart our timelines may be, we will always support you. You guys are the ones that really kicked it all off."

"Agreed, we will support you no matter what, you guys are well... treated like gods in our world. Enough about our world, this is... our farewell..." Ayaka sighed. The heroes waved back at them.

Chrom sighed, "May the goddess' or gods... protect you always." The heroes smiled and one by one they went into their portal. Soon, the last one sealed off.

"It's... over," Byleth gasped. The heroes looked at one another. They looked up at the stars once again. They continued to glow ever so brightly in the sky.

"They're gone, what else do we need to do now?" Chrom asked. The heroes thought about it, the winds began to howl, whistling softly and harsh at the same time.

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