Chapter Nine: A New Beginning

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Hideo yanked his sword out of the fleshy vessel that had just been occupied by Tsutomu, then stepped aside to allow room for Ichiro to pass.

At the edge of Ichiro's vision, he could make out another ghostly figure in black drifting along, but that did not matter now. He reached his body as it lay limp and dead-eyed upon the couch, then shot his right leg forward, followed by his left. Immediately, he found himself being pulled into it in much the same way a whirlpool would suck up anyone unfortunate enough to fall in.

He instinctively cried out whilst disappearing into his own solid flesh, and the next thing he knew, the blurred figures of Kumiko and Hideo presented themselves to him before becoming discernible from each other.

With a shallow breath, he stared in awe at the woman he loved, feeling almost as if he was seeing her for the first time.

He raised his hands and began moving his fingers one at a time. "Kumiko, look. I can..."

"I know," she replied as tears welled in her eyes. "You're finally back..."

She ran towards him with arms outstretched and enveloped him in an embrace that made his back ache. He gasped before protesting her strength.

"Please, stop. You're hurting me..."

"Oh." Kumiko let go of him in haste. "I'm sorry. I'll be gentle from now on." She turned to address Hideo whilst Tsutomu hovered a few feet away. "Thank you for what you've done. Will this be permanent?"

"Yes," the shinigami responded with a slight nod. "If our plan succeeds, then you should be able to enjoy his company for as long as he lives. I shall report back to you when I get a verdict from the Queen."

Ichiro breathed deeply in relief at such news. He had once dreamed of growing old by Kumiko's side, and now it seemed like this might become a reality.

Nevertheless, he feared that things would end prematurely like last time, so he tapped Kumiko on the shoulder to get her attention.


"We... We'll make sure nothing happens to me this time, right?"

"Of course," she promised. "I'm different from who I used to be, and I daresay that you are too."

"Huh?" Ichiro blinked in confusion.

"I'll explain later." Kumiko rose to her feet to accompany Hideo out of the room. "After this current business has been sorted out."

"Right," Ichiro said halfheartedly. He found it difficult to contain his curiosity now that another mystery had become apparent, and the subsequent advice from Tsutomu only fueled his restlessness.

"You're lucky to have a woman who still loves you. Don't ever take that for granted."

"What makes you think I will?"

"You'll know what I mean soon enough," Tsutomu simply replied before he exited the room and left Ichiro in confusion about what was to come.


It seemed like even the strangeness of Hideo opening a swirling portal to the Underworld in the living room and Akane giving a heartful speech could not spare Ichiro from the various questions dancing through his mind.

Was Isa really awaiting his return somewhere out there? And, if so, how much had she changed over the years? Also, what would Kumiko tell him that might cause him to take her for granted after everything they'd been through?

"...And that is why I am deeply sorry for leading you on," Akane apologized to Tsutomu with a bow. "You have a special place in my heart, and I will try my best from now on to avoid preying on your kind."

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