Chapter 47. The Sea Shanty (mainly humour)

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Harry's POV (ok I really gotta stop making these)

Hermione let out a piercing scream. 


I just stood there disoriented. 

First, Umbridge had got crushed by rubble. 

Then, a bunch of black wizards came and dragged my friend away. 

And his girlfriend is now screaming at such a high pitch that only bats would be able to hear her now. 

Sure. Why not?

I ran to the window and willed my Firebolt to be accioed to me. 

I zoomed out. I could hear Ron yelling (he has quite a voice) and cursing. I whisked through the air something something something miles per hour, dodging random obstacles. 

I was gaining on them. 

A flash of red hair.

A very loud bellow of *cough* erm, colourful language. 

Random black hoods flying about in the wind. 

I put on a burst of speed, yet apparently that there was magic even 8 years in Hogwarts couldn't teach you. 

A deafening blast that sounded like a nuclear bomb being er, bombed, a airplane taking off and Mrs Weasley yelling all mashed up together nearly threw me across the surface of the globe (A/N TAKE THAT, FLAT EARTHERS) and skewered me on the Eiffel Tower. 

And the most insulting bit?

The blast was a melody I quickly realised as my favourite song: 

The Wellerman, a.k.a the Sea Shanty. 

But wait. 

There's more!

The tune was so catchy that I couldn't help but jam to it. 

And of course the kidnappers flew away. 

And the music faded with them. 

I wanted to resurrect Voldemort and tell him to kick me, because somehow my foot just wouldn't reach my head no matter how many gymnastic poses I tried (as much poses as you can do on a broomstick that is at least 500 meters off the ground, at least). 

I tried to put on two spurs of speed at once, but it just propelled me backwards really, really fast. 

Turns out I sat myself backwards on my broomstick when I was doing the poses. 

Apparently even I can do the most utterly stupid things when I was really nervous. 

I wasn't going to tell Hermione that erm, comedy that happened up in the sky, so I whizzed back to Hermione and said: 

"I lost them." 

Which technically wasn't a lie. 


And Hermione just rushed to her room, crying. 

I felt very, very guilty. 

Luna went with Hermione, and I assumed she was trying to cheer the poor Hermione up. 

I blinked back tears myself. 

If I hadn't: 

A) jammed to the Sea Shanty

B) propelled myself backwards trying to kick myself

C) been an idiot 

Maybe Hermione wouldn't be crying and Ron wouldn't be captured. 

I heaved a heavy sigh. I was going to get the best fliers (naming no names, e.g Viktor Krum) and group a search party to find Ron the second I had a chance. That was a priority.

I was actually about to send the owl over to Krum when a weird shape came near the window. 

I peered closer and my heart stopped. 

A dementor. 

I raised my wand, thinking of Ron, Hermione and Luna, when I noticed that it didn't give out any chills, and I didn't hear the familiar sound of Dobby's last words, Hedwig's last screech, my parents-

Instead, the Dementor seemed to be wrapped in a Patronus itself. 

It looked straight at me with it's hollowed, deadened eyes. 

It raised his rotting hand. 

Inside its withered fingers, was clasped a thin but familiar scripture. 

Ginny's writing. 

I snatched the paper from it and raised my wand, half expecting it to attack and snatch the paper back. 

Instead, it went. 


I read the paper and immediately my blood either froze or boiled. 

Dear Harry Potter,

You seem to have a certain ginger friend missing. 

You obviously want him back, yet you succumbed to the power of our 'Sea Shanty Curse'. 

If you want your ginger back, turn yourself in. 

Summon a dementor, and it will guide you. 

Yours sincerely, 

Ginerva Impius

(P.S if others are turned in, we will still accept them.)

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