•Bonus chapter 🌌

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April 1995

     "Tatum, will you sit down. My legs are getting tired just looking at you " I said as opened the packed of grapes on my lap. Sid, Tatum and I were sat around the waterfall waitin for the boys while they got their lunch. 

     "I can't Y/n. Okay, if I fail this test, moms gonna kill me. She's already mad at me for turning her favourite white blouse pink!" She said as she paced back and forth infront of Sid and I, book in one hand and an apple in the other as she tried to memorise all the words on the page

     "Tatum, you'll do fine. It's just a small test to see how were doing progress wise before the summer exams" I nodded along with Sidney's words as we both tried to calm our friend down.

    "Yeah well if I get another D, moms gonna freak and take away the car"

    "I think thats a blessing in disguise" I said as I looked down at my food shoving a grape into my mouth

     "How many times do I have to tell you. That tree came out of nowhere" Tatum said letting out a huff and turning towards us.

"Right and the cat"

"And the guy on the sidewalk"

"And the other parked car" Sidney and I said back and forth. Tatum gave both of us death glared as a small smile crossed my face

    "Well if it isn't Woodsboros version of the heathers" a voice said as Tatum turned to look behind her to see the boys walking towards us. Randy walking infront with a smirk on his face

   "Can it, Meeks" Tatum said as she turned back to her book. Billy sat by sidney as he leaned down to kiss her, randy stood looking over tatums shoulder, readin what was on the page before poking her in the side causing her to hit him.

Stu came to sit by me as he looked at Tatum with furrowed brows "what's she reading?"

I waved my hand as I focused on the grapes "shes trying to study before this test" I could see Stu nod in my peripheral vision as I looked up to Tatum.

"So Y/n I was wondering-" Stu began as I turned to the side to look at him as he fidgeted with his hands.

"Y/n" a voice called out as something hit my leg. Looking down there was a football causing me to pick it up before looking over to the grass area and Jogging over towards us was troy. Rolling my eyes I let out a breath as he reached us.

Everyone besides me tried to find something else to focus on as Troy rubbed the back of his neck. "Sorry about that, Sam has shit aim"

"It's fine" I said as I threw it back to him, keeping eye contact with him. There hasn't been many interactions between Troy and I since the whole Stephanie thing.

"So Y/n I was wondering if you maybe wanted to-" everyone's head snapped back to the conversation

"Absolutely not"

"Are you crazy?"

"Do you want your nose broken again?"

"You had your chance"


Troy eyes widened as everyone spoke at once causing a small smile to cross my face as I looked down before looking back up at him

"I think you just got your answer" he nodded before turning away. Tatum shook her head letting out a scoff

"That boy is completely deranged" I let out a breath before nodding. My attention came back to Stu who's head was down as he muttered to himself while playing with his hands. It was weird for Stu to act like this, I'd only ever seen him like this once and that was before the big football game.

𝙱𝙻𝙾𝙾𝙳 𝙲𝚄𝚁𝙳𝙻𝙸𝙽𝙶 𝚂𝙲𝚁𝙴𝙰𝙼𝚂 (𝚂𝚌𝚛𝚎𝚊𝚖𝟷𝟿𝟿𝟼)Where stories live. Discover now