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It's the next day and this boy is still on my mind. I don't know who he is. I just breezed through the instagram story but all I do know is that homeboy was fucking fine.

My mind starts racing and thinking what type of girl he'd like? Obviously he likes girls who are above 5'6, model legs, thick thighs, snatched waist who have a darker skin complexion.

I am the complete opposite from every guy's ideal girl that they're interested in but yet they still decide to bother me even when they aren't satisfied which is something I don't get. Yeah, I know I'm a hot gyal or whatever but shit don't come to me on some "oh I wish you were taller or skin darker" type of shit because ew no.

There's so many females on this earth. Why come to me when you know you aren't going to be satisfied, like make it make sense. I think it might be because guys don't know how to turn down a pretty girl. They're forever thirsty. It's embarrassing. I wonder if this mystery guy is thirsty or not. I wonder how many females he has fucked. He is so fine so I know he has to have at least more than 6 wrapped around his dick. Plus my guy is tall so he has to have some inches packing to his print. We'll just have to see.

I went back to my friend's instagram where he posted this mystery guy and it was his birthday the day I discovered him around 13 hours ago when he posted it. I decided to stalk this guy's Instagram and figure out his relationship status.

The first thing I realized is that he is tall as fuck. I am 5'3. There is no reason for me to be talking to a guy who is a whole foot taller than me. That's just outrageous. How am I supposed to easily bend over and have him slide it in if his dick print is touching my back and my ass is touching his knees? Ugh short girl problems.

The second thing I realize is that this guy is fucking catfish. I laughed out loud to myself because ain't no way... There's no way my friend posted this one picture of him. Another picture of him has short hair. This next picture of him looks like he's out of shape.. This oh my fucking God. This picture of him is pressure. I hope this is how he is steady looking because all these other pictures are not giving. Who is lying to this fine ass guy telling him these pictures are acceptable to post? His friends are trying to embarrass him and snatch up the females who want him I swear... There's no way they really said yes to post these pictures. I silently laugh to myself again.

The third thing I go through is his comment sections. I never usually do this to a guy who I plan on sliding into because before if a guy was single or not I am through and through guilty of messaging them if they are or aren't in a relationship. I would talk to and hang out with them for weeks without knowing shit about them just the fact that they are attractive, then next thing I know they're saying they are gonna break up with their girlfriend for me and I have to throw up the deuces to them for the one time.

I am gladly going to call this growth for myself by looking to see if a guy is available or not. I'm currently unlocking new aspects for myself and I am here for and loving it. While I'm scrolling through this guy's comment sections everything is screaming single. I love it because at the same time I like competing for guys' attention with other females and when I finally get it I just disappear on all of them. This mentality was coming up in my head and I had to give myself a little pep talk. All truth, no lies. I have a bad history of disappearing and being distant towards people once I know they are getting more sprung for me. I think it is a way I keep my confidence at one hundred. Or simply to just prove and show to people that I can get any guy I want. I'm not gonna do that this time, this time imma be humble.

I moved onto other pictures in this guy's feed and I was satisfied that it was still screaming single. That's enough of that imma just follow him. In the process of following him I was hesitant because his feed is open. My mind starts racing because what if he doesn't even see it. He is an attractive young man and girls must follow him all the time, but then I remembered the baddie that I am and just followed him anyways. In my head I knew I was going too, and I also wanted access to his story at all times.

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