Chapter 32

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"I'll file everything we need to file, Yoongi bring Jimin and Mira tomorrow. If the judge sees how happy they are with you and listens to Jimin's testimony then we have so much ground that we'll have gained. Once we prove that one of Evan's accusations was a lie, it's only a matter of time before doubts about the rest of them enter the Judges mind and we can prove them wrong too."

They hung up the phone and for the first time in well over a year Yoongi felt hopeful, he had the love of his life back in his arms. Evan wasn't going to get away with this and he finally got to meet his daughter. He turned to look at Jimin, "I hope you know that I'm never letting you go again. After all this is over, I'm marrying the shit out of you so you are stuck with me forever."

Jimin giggled, "I'll hold you to that, but for now let's get all of our ducks in a row because Mira is going to wake up soon and demand her dada's attention." And Jimin wasn't wrong, as soon as she woke up she started screaming dada. So with a huge smile he walked into Jimin's room to get his daughter from her crib. Jimin showed him how to change her diaper and then he got to feed her and bathe her after.

Playing with Mira was everything he ever hoped it would be. He couldn't stop smiling, doing it so much that his cheeks actually hurt. "Do you want to stay here tonight, with us?"

Yoongi looked up, his eyes full of hope. "Would that be okay? I'm not ready to leave you two yet, I never want to leave you again if I can help it." Getting ready for bed with Jimin was something that Yoongi dearly missed, he borrowed some of Jungkook's clothes and when Jimin crawled into bed Yoongi asked if Mira could sleep with them.

Jimin giggled, "sure, but just know she's absolutely wild in her sleep. So be prepared."

But the older didn't care, he had his two loves in his arms and that's all that mattered to him at the moment. "Jimin you asked earlier about my employees." He hummed against Yoongi's chest and the older squeezed him a bit closer, "I quit. I have enough money to live for the rest of my life without working, but I'll start something. I've worked in the business world long enough to know what's needed."

"You quit? Why?"

"The pressure from my father. While I'm thankful that he pushed me and it got me you and Mira, I know that once this is over he was going to push us to get pregnant again and have a boy. I want us to get pregnant again because we want to, not because it was forced on us like the last time. I don't regret Mira, I love her more than life. But I want our family to be ours, and no one else's, if that makes sense?"

"It does, and I am totally on board with having more. I want you there for everything this time, it was scary being wheeled into that operating room alone."

"I'm so sorry I wasn't there. I wish I could rewind time and never start dating Evan, just wait for you to show up in my office with your bright red hair and delicious cooking."

Jimin wasn't wrong, Mira was like a bucking bronco in bed. She moved and twisted, she made lots of noises and shifted around on top of Yoongi so much, that he was awake most of the night making sure she was okay. But he didn't care, he hasn't gotten a decent nights sleep since Jimin ran. He already felt better just holding them than he had in ages.

The younger rolled over, nuzzling into Yoongi. "Did you get any sleep?"

Yoongi snorted, "no you were right. She's a horrible bed mate."

"Come on, let's get cleaned up and then we'll head to your house so you can change."

"Home, we'll head home."

"Yoongi," Jimin sighed. "There's, that's not my home. It was yours and Evans and I just crashed there for a few months. I mean I only slept in your bedroom once the entire time."

He sat up gently making sure not to tossle Mira too much, "you are right. Absolutely right. I'll sell it and you can pick the next house, decorate it however you want. I just want to be with my family."

Jimin smiled, his eyes turning into little crescents and it made Yoongi's heart flutter. This is what he missed, mornings waking up with Jimin beside him. He loved this man more than he could ever put into words. He didn't feel complete without Jimin, wasn't truly happy until he met the younger and fell for him. "I'd like that a lot. Although, those two that are standing at the door listening will probably pitch a fit when we leave."

"Yah," Jungkook yelled from the other side of the door and Joon screamed as they knocked heads. 

"Just go in, you blew our cover anyway," Joon grumbled.

The brothers crashed into Jimin's room, causing Mira to wake up and squeal dada as loudly as she could before shoving her face into Yoongi's face, leaving drooly kisses all over. Yoongi made a face, "don't get me wrong I love morning kisses, butttt."

Jk giggled, "yeah she's sloppy, but the fact that she's kissing you is a good thing. She only does that to the three of us."

"Well I'm happy that my daughter loves me so much," Yoongi quipped.

They ate quickly and then headed to Yoongi's place, Jungkook and Joon both promising that they'd be at the courthouse to sit with Jimin and Mira and keep them safe. Yoongi hasn't been this nervous in his entire life. He's literally walking into the lions den, but he doesn't care about himself. He's worried about his babies. Evan is going to flip his shit when he sees them, sees that they are happy and back with Yoongi.

"What was his plan? I just don't understand. He wanted to marry you, if he wasn't actually pregnant then you would have noticed at some point. And if he wanted to marry you, then why the accident?"

Yoongi shrugged as he got into Jimin's car to drive them to his hearing, "I'm not sure honestly. Who knows what goes on in this crazy ass head. But I feel like he would have told me that he had a stillborn birth while I was at work or something. As for the accident, maybe he realized that I wasn't going to marry him. He couldn't find you, he had no leverage over me."

"So he caused the accident in order to get you thrown in jail?"

"I guess," Yoongi sighed. "I just don't understand what he was planning on getting out of it. If I'm in jail I can't be his cash cow anymore."

Jimin's eyes went wide, "but your father would happily pay him in order to get him to shut up and lay low. He'd pay him whatever to stop dragging the Min name in the mud."

His eyes darted towards the younger, "you aren't wrong there. That sounds like them for sure." He reached over and held Jimin's hand tightly, "did you want Enzo and Lena there? Jin is going to be there, with his computer doing whatever it is that he does, just in case so he can give it to Hobi."

"They can be there, but it's a courthouse and you know that they'll have a hard time controlling themselves and being quiet."

Snort, "Lena will probably snot cry and I wouldn't put it past Enzo to do it either." And Yoongi was right, as soon as those two saw Jimin they surrounded him in a hug and the three of them cried and jumped around in a circle for a good 15 minutes before Jungkook broke them up. "Told you they'd snot cry," Yoongi whispered as they walked into the courthouse.

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