Ch.7 [Grisha Memories]

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It Had Been 3 hours since The Last Viewing, Everyone had calmed down in the Three Walls, as Eren, Armin and Historia played together with Frieda watching them while The adults inside was waiting anxiously for the next viewing to start.

Grisha sighed deeply in exhaustion and tiredness, He had never felt this tired since. While Kenny slowly tap his hat before the door was kicked open with force.

Grisha and Carla eyes widened as Kenny take a glance without a surprise. "KENNNNNNNY-!!!" A 17 year old Levi charged in towards His Uncle as He punched the Elder Ackerman in the Face.

"wait.." Uri said to the military leaders who looked hesitant at this.

"DAMN YOU SHIITY OLD MAN!... DAMN YOU!!" Yelled Levi as Mixed emotions were in his face as He gripped Kenny's Coat tightly while his arms trembles.

Kenny lifted his hand towards the boy before patting his Nephew Head. "Heh... Let it out boy... You already got your questions answered by the viewing..." He smirked as He saw Levi stuffed down a sob.

Kenny stand up and lifted His Nephew by the shoulder as they walked outside to catch up.

"Damn.. " Mutters Shadis at what just happened right now.

"Attention, Citizens of Eldia.. You will now watch On Eren Yeager and His Half Brother Zeke Yeager using the founding Titan to walk through Grisha Memories..." Atlas Voiced Announced to the three walls of Eldia.

Grisha and Uri eyes widened at the mention of the founding Titan. Does that mean despite the royal blood restriction and the Vow, they managed to use the Founding Titan in the Original Timeline then?!..

Many of the people Mutters among themselves before settling down for the viewing to even start now.

"I see... He delayed his mission for the sake of his son... he set aside his cause for his family... Would've been nice if he had done that for me...good for you though.. I guess losing his first family taught him to care this time even so.. he passed over his banner and set you matching down his path.. you never been the person you could've been... You understand that in time..." Zeke stated as Eren looked at His Younger Father self.

"I'm sorry...please..Zeke... Forgive me..." Grisha Mutters in his sleep as it clear he was slowly waking up. Zeke and Eren looked at their father in surprise.

"It's you..." Grisha Mutters as his eyes tiredly glanced up at Zeke himself. Zeke eyes widened in shock and Disbelief.

"Zeke! Zeke, Is that actually you?!" Grisha looked in astounding with eyes filled with Hope and disbelief.

"How's that possible?... If they're using the founding Titan to view Grisha memories then..." Carla slowly trailer off as her eyes widened at the sudden thought.

"It must be the attack Titan.. sending Eren's memories to me.. " Grisha said with the same idea popped into his head. As Uri nodded in confirmation.

"And to add that, making it possible to be at the same time and place Yet not..." the current Founding Titan Shifter added.

"..... Don't be stupid even if Zeke could get here... He wouldn't be old and bearded... You dreaming..." Grisha told himself as He looked down.

The Next Memory showed Future Eren and Future Zeke hidden in the background like Ghosts While Grisha sitting at the table, packing his Medical bag with Carla doing the dishes. "Hey we're home..." Eren says in a bored tone with Mikasa behind him.

"Welcome Back Kids.." Carla greeted them with a loving smile on her beautiful face.

Eren dropped the large amount of sticks into the box. "Oh my goddess! Looks like someone is working hard to keep us in fuel.." Carla said in awe.

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