Chapter 17

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Thursday, February 29, 1986. Hawkins Indiana. Steve's Place.

Steve's Perspective. 

The kids missed Eddie and I get it but. "Okay guys, Eddie is still recovering. Let him sit down for a moment." I spoke as I went up to the group of kids. Eddie had a hint of relief in his eyes. 

The kids were understanding and let him go. "You guys can still hang out with me. You just need to be a little careful." Eddie looked amongst the group. A smile turning on his lips. "Now, I'll be sitting over there if anyone wants to join me," 

Eddie seemed to struggle to get to the couch. Unable to see him like this, I went up and took Eddie's arm. "Are you alright?" I mutter quietly to him. Just barely loud enough for him to hear. 

"Just, a lot. I can only push myself so much. But I don't want to be the first person out of my own party," He held my arm slightly tighter, but it was still a weak hold. 

"We can go lay down in my room and you can take a nap. I'm sure everyone wouldn't mind." Instead of taking him to the couch, we started walking to my room. I gave Robin a small signal as we walked past. 

We eventually made it to the room. All my stuff was still in boxes. "Why haven't you unpacked yet? Haven't you been here for weeks at this point?" Eddie looks up to me with a small bit of confusion. 

"I didn't really give myself the time to. I should probably get on it shouldn't I?" I let out a soft chuckle and scratch my neck. 

"Steve. It's just a mattress on the floor. Why didn't you at least get sheets?" Eddie let go of me and looked around the bare, lackluster room. The boxes weren't even open. Only a jacket laid on the mattress. 

"I guess I... I don't know. Maybe I was scared? Scared that I would have to run again so why bother unpacking. Its stupid, I know." I went and sat down on the mattress. Eddie followed, being a lot slower than me. 

"Steve. You need to put your needs first sometimes. Fuck! From what I've heard and seen, you've nearly died several times for the people in this house. You deserve a break!" Eddie took my hand. But something didn't seem right with me. 

"I was a complete self-centered asshole in school! A complete dickwad!" My fist clenched as I spoke, causing Eddie to flinch. "I-I'm sorry Eddie. I didn't mean to raise my voice like that." I looked down at my lap. My foot began bouncing.

"Please don't apologize about that. You've been through so much through these last few weeks Steve. You really just need a day where you focus on yourself. It's been a year since school got out. Hell, I never saw you actually be rude to someone. It was always Tommy H. Not you," Eddie's voice was soft. His dark, mesmerizing eyes were glued to me.  

I didn't know how to feel. So, instead of addressing it I make an excuse. "Shouldn't you be asleep? You need some rest. Your body needs it. So lay down and I'll find you a blanket." I press a kiss to his forehead. It's been the first one I could give him in a long time. 

"There you go again. Caring for everyone else but yourself. All it took was for me to be in here for you to find a blanket." Eddie laid down on the bed. Letting out an audible wince. 

"You're very hurt. This is different." I go to one of the boxes and stab it open with a pair of keys. "There it is," I pull out a fuzzy blanket from the box and went back over to the bed. 

"That's all it took for you to get a blanket and you didn't get one?" Eddie looked up at me. "You're a strange person Harrington. But that's what makes me crazy for you," Eddie took my arm and pulled me down onto the bed. "Just lay with me until I fall asleep. It shouldn't take long." Eddie rested his head onto my chest. My face instantly started heating up.

"You're also strange Munson." I laid the blanket over the both of us, then wrapped my arms around him. 

"Goodnight Steve. Thank you for today."  

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