Ch 570: That Was What He Wanted

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Two days had passed since The Great Ambush of the Bathroom. The group was confused as to why he named the incident. The only reason he did that was he thought it would be a great story to tell.

Speaking about the group, they were surprised at seeing a naked Messiah hugging him when they barged into his room. Especially Skadi. She looked like she was about to kill either him or Messiah when she landed her eyes on him. Luckily for him, Skadi controlled herself. However, she would occasionally glare at Messiah.

Getting to what he was doing today, Lin Ye, who was wearing the whole doctor get-up, left the Soma Pharmaceutical building. The only person who followed him was Grani, who was wearing sunglasses in an attempt to hide her identity. Lin Ye did not have the heart to correct her. The others stayed at the hotel. Nian wanted to follow him but begrudgingly stayed when Lin Ye offered to play with her later.

When he was finally outside of the building, he saw the prince of Higashi making his way to him. After he got near enough to him, Hayate held his hand towards Lin Ye. Seeing this, Lin Ye gladly took it.

"Dr Ian, thank you for coming," Hayate said, "I can't wait for what the future has in store for us."

"Me too, Your Highness," Lin Ye nodded.

Hayate smiled goodheartedly at this. He was the first to break their hold as they stood in front of each other.

"As I said, call me Hayate," The prince chuckled as he said this, "We are now partners."

"Ah, forgive me," Lin Ye pleaded ignorance, "I am not a native, so I am not used to its customs yet. I am truly grateful for how willing you are to work with us."

"I should be the one to say that, I am going to work with the famous Rhodes Island, after all," Hayate smiled as he said this. Then he noticed something, "Even so Doctor, I am curious, why do you still wear that helmet and hood on?"

"Ah... about that," Lin Ye hummed as he racked his head to come up with an excuse, "I am used to working with Infected. Around them, I have to always wear protection. It has become second nature to do so whenever I head out." Then his mind produced a bright idea that came out of his mouth. "I might be Infected because of how much time I spend with them. If you want me to take them off, I can do so."

"...Uh...Is that so? Then don't force yourself." Hearing that Lin Ye might be an Infected, Lin Ye noticed the prince's body language change. The prince subconsciously took a few steps away.

"If you are more comfortable wearing them on, who am I to change that," The prince said with a bit of awkwardness. He then slowly walked towards the entrance, "I think I should go back inside. I might have more people to meet. You can look around the convention and entertain yourself. See you soon."

Without giving a chance to reply, Hayate fled the scene, leaving Lin Ye and Grani by themselves.

"Well, that was rude," Grani huffed as she lowered her sunglasses at him, "Just a moment ago he acted so respectful towards you. When you said you might be an Infected, he did not want to talk to you anymore."

"Grani, it's fine." Lin Ye reassured her, "You have to understand: he is the prince of Higashi. If he gets infected, the image of the country will be ruined. So, it should be expected for him to be... cautious around Infected."

"That's true..." Grani did not like how he was on the prince's side, "That doesn't mean that it's okay!"

"I know, I know," Lin Ye said as he rubbed her head, hoping to calm her down. And from the way her shoulders slacked, it seemed to Lin Ye that it was working. "Sometimes the right decision isn't always the 'good' one."

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