forty two.

21 2 32

1:25pm. i roamed through the mall with several bags in my hands. sadie on my left, millie and chase on my right. we had managed to wake up early enough before our flight later on tonight to get finn's birthday gifts.

" do you think we should go look in another store? " millie asked, biting into her huge pretzel. " maybe they'll have it there. "

" i don't know, we've checked every jewelry store mills. they are only making custom chains online, and i'm not trying to get finn a cheap necklace for his birthday. " i replied, disappointment washing over my body as we continued to walk. " i should've did this earlier but he pisses me off too much to even remember to get him anything. "

" classic finn. " sadie laughed, linking her arm in mines.

we walked for a few more minutes before we found another jewelry store. and surprisingly, they were making exactly what i was looking for.

i let out a breath of relief once i payed for the item and we left the store. we walked out of the mall and into the car, loading the back of the car with bags. i ended up getting finn two new hoodies he's had his eyes on for a while, a pair of low black and white nike dunks, and a chain with my name on it.

i smiled to myself, satisfied with how smooth today has been going. the tension in the air with chase and i has disappeared and we're talking like we've known each other for a while. he's pretty cool once i actually got to know him. he's also growing on sadie but she doesn't want to admit it.

the ride back to campus was filled laughter and us singing songs together while eating ice cream that we stopped for.

we pulled into the parking lot and not long after we walked into our dorm.

" time to pack. " i sighed, sitting the bags on the couch.

" we're in for a long trip. " millie said, smiling at me. she began walking up the stairs as chase followed her.

i tiredly flopped on the couch besides the bags and planted my hands on my face.

" something bothering you? " sadie questioned, sitting on the other couch across from me.

i lifted my head and turned it towards her before setting it back down. " i'm just tired. "

" tired of... thinking? " sadie added, her voice laced with concern.

i sighed again. " i don't know. i just feel weird. like somethings gonna happen. "

" like what? "

" with me, with finn. i don't know but something bad. " i continued on, my mood dropping insanely.

" hey, everything's gonna be okay. maybe your just having anxiety right now but your gonna be okay. " sadie said, reassuring me.


Atlanta, Georgia.

8:42pm. i stepped out of the huge car and looked up at the house we were staying in for the next couple of long weeks. i stretched my arms in the air and took in a deep breath before someone handed my suitcase to me.

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