Crossroad of Fate

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If I have to describe the match between Sora and Shun, I have several words of choice to pick from.

Brutal. Cruel. Merciless. Bloody. Mayhem. Tragic. Absurd. Shocking. Twisted. Tragic. Stressful. Catastrophic.


All that happens after the duel somehow become blank. The kids are in shock as they follow the medic brings Sora to the hospital for his injuries. The doctors are doing their best, but I doubt that would be enough.

Somehow, the duel between Sora and Shun is way more brutal than the one in the anime.

Maybe it was because I actually watched those events live, with my own eyes, in the audience seat instead through television or internet. Maybe because this time around, Sora and Shun actually dueled back at the dock for short time before Yuto bring Shun away, so the tension is higher.

It was so bad that Yuya almost snapped.

I remember him jumping down from the audience seat and pushed the security guard away with his power (which I still can't identify whether it was psychic or byproduct of shadow magic), cradling Sora and swearing for the medic to come.


He didn't display that behavior in Canon.

I think... he gets a little bit dragonic, and dragons are known to be protective of their hoard so...

"Will Sora be alright?" questioned Yuzu, staring intently at the door that separate us from him.

Once we heard the doctor confirmed that Sora will be alright, for a certain definition of it, and after a bit of insistence, we are allowed to enter the room, but on two or three people at a time.

Yuya and I take the last turn, and the sight we saw is not... pretty.

I know Sora and Shun's duel is brutal. One of most brutal matches in Standard Arc, due sheer destruction (of the Duel Field) and someone getting injured, driving home that Action Duel can be dangerous. But seeing him like this, in real life and not through glass panel, just drives home how bad it was.

Maybe it was worse. Because I cause divergence at the dock confrontation, thus the tension between Sora and Shun is higher than it supposed to be. Resulting in more brutal match.

I want to heal him. But is it alright?

If I did, Sora might escape to Academia, but if Canon is anything to go by, and since he didn't know much about this supernatural secret, it should be fine. It would take longer to convince him to switch sides, though.

But if I didn't, we may have better chance to convince him to abandon academia... or not. Reiji must be planning something for Sora after confirming his status as a spy. Knowing that ice king and his tactic, it won't be anything fun. And if Yuya knew about it, well...

"Where is the camera?" I whispered, nearly inaudible.

"Give me a moment." Moonlight floats out and glowed, cause certain spot to glow as well. "There, I have muted the microphone and mess with the camera feed. Anything it would take would be you two just visiting and not saying anything due sheer shock."

"Floren-nee?" Yuya blinked owlishly. "What are you planning?"

"Helping him." I take out another card, her card, and tapped her against Sora.

She glows, and to our amazement, Sora's wounds healed than they should be. All that left is visible wounds that can easily be treated.


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