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Sophie Fisher

For as long as I can remember, I've always been waiting for the few months when mom and I finally got into the car and headed straight for Monaco from the French Alps. The road was always long and full of sights. Mother was the divorced Mrs. Fisher, but only Amber. On the other side, where my heart was drawn to the most every year, there were the boys and Pascale. The woman I looked upon as my mother instead of my mother. And Charles and Arthur have grown close to my heart. Especially Charles. Arthur and I were the perfect boy-girl friendship. Neither of us wanted more than friendship, and we honestly couldn't, since we are friends. We never lie to each other. The boy was 1 year older than me.  Charles, however, was in a completely different category. I've been in love with Charles Leclerc since I could breathe. And everyone always knew that. Everyone except Charles. The months always passed painfully. I've always had a wish for Charles on every birthday, and this year will be no different, as I'll be turning 19 soon.

We weren't rich. But Pascale was. She was an extremely rich woman. My mother always just said that we would die in Monaco in a week if it weren't for the Leclerc family being so accommodating and generous. However, when I was younger, I didn't even know what money was. But maybe everyone is always like that. It only showed that Pascale was richer, that she gave me much more valuable gifts. Jewelry, clothes, and sometimes even money. In such cases, mother always cast disapproving glances at Pascal, but then they just smiled at things. Our little house was also a sign. A sign that Charles and Arthur probably live a much more eventful life than we do. And so it was. As always, they were surrounded by girls, but none of them had a relationship. I was the only one for them during the 3 months when they didn't compete.

After all, both boys had a big dream of Formula 1. A dream so huge that they were able to throw everything away for it. Even me sometimes. Or maybe a little more. However, when I was in Monaco, all my worries went away and I felt like I was escaping from all other problems. I was hoping for the same now.

The trip was the usual one on the first of August. Everything always revolved in the same circle. Mom and I packed the car while dad checked everything for the departure. Mom sat in front of the steering wheel and I sat next to her. I combed my hair and put on a smaller top and blue denim shorts. I grabbed my sunglasses and we were already on our way. The journey was incredibly long, 4 hours, and by the time we arrived it was almost dark. Mom honked loudly in front of the huge house and then we got out of the car. Pascale opened the door, but Arthur preceded her in greeting

- Sophie, you're glowing - he said and lifted me into the air

- Put me down Arthur! - I said and started hitting the boy's hand. Arthur put me on the ground and looked into my eyes

- Sophie, I was serious before. I can see in you that you are different now - he said and ran his hand through my hair. Meanwhile, Mom and Pascale carried our bags all the way to our room. I just sat at the table where the table was already carefully laid.

- Hi - Charles appeared quietly behind me and pulled out the opposite chair at the table

- Hi - I answered just as quietly as he did.

- Kids! Dinner! - Pascale shouted and already packed the food on the table. It was always cancer the first night, so today too. Lorenzo, the oldest Leclerc brother, sat at the head of the table, next to him were his mother and the boys, then me and my mother. During the year, I sometimes tried to glance at Charles, who was silently eating the sea animals. Changed. I had to realize that Charles had changed since February. It became so different. He's been quieter lately and he hasn't shaved yet.

Maybe it happened because of Ferrari, but maybe it was the pressure that was with him even during the break. I couldn't have known this, but I couldn't wait for the dinner to finally end and to go up to the room where all my paths led. To my room. There was a small room just for me. In one of the most secluded parts of the house, I felt at home here every year when we visited the competing family.

So after dinner I headed straight for my room and Charles and Arthur did the same. Only the older ones remained to pack, that is, the women and Lorenzo. He was the only boy in the family who didn't spend much time with me. Because of that, I didn't even know him that well. I knew that he has a girlfriend with whom he lives and now they are very happy, but I couldn't really read anything else about the boy. I'm really a good connoisseur! In my room, I immediately wrote a message to Rege, who was my girlfriend at home. I told her everything.

However, I had other plans for this year. I managed to conquer Charles Leclerc or at least get close to him. After all, I've known him since I was little. I know what your favorite food is and what your biggest dream is. I know how many girls he has had so far and what kind of girls he likes. I want to win hiw heart and for that I have to change....



TikTok: wattpadgirl.4


This will be Sophie's love triangle, which will develop very interestingly. Come with me. 2-3 episodes a week, I'll try to write a lot until September. I promise it will be good. The book is expected to have between 20 and 25 chapters



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