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Alistair POV:

My body was twitching in worry as I made my way down the elevator to where Tess and Grandpa was. There were some complications with her assimilation and they needed me there as soon as possible.

As I walked slowly towards the training room that had been assigned to me, my feet seemed to weigh a lot more than they should. I don't know how I'd react if Tess were injured.

I placed both my palms on the surface of the door and pushed it open.

As soon as the door swung open, an unfamiliar sinister aura visibly surged forward in an attempt to trap me. This dark fog felt like thousands of thorny vines as it coiled around my arms and legs.

"WHO'S TH... ALISTAIR?" Amidst the noticeably dark wave emanating from a particular focal point, I heard Grandpa Virion's husky voice boom.

"Yeah, it's me, Gramps! What's going on?" I yelled past the sound of what reminded me of the crashing of an ocean's waves against a cliff.

"God, am I glad you're still alive, brat. I think I'm becoming somewhat thankful for your cockroach-like tenacity, HAHA! Come over here, I need your help!" Still confused by what was happening, I chose to ignore Gramps' slightly insulting metaphor and walked carefully towards him. The aura was getting stronger, and I felt my skin start to bleed from small tears, which cut through my clothes.

Willing mana to shield me, I made my way towards the source of the aura using Grandpa Virion's hazy figure as a guide; each step felt like I was pushing against a reinforced wall.

"What in the... Tess?!" As I got closer, I could faintly make out the figure, lying in front of Gramps—the source of this aura.

When I finally reached Grandpa Virion, I winced from the searing pain, caused by my dimension ring, that seemed to have gotten stronger. Gramps wasn't in good shape; his pale face was drenched in sweat as he tried his best to suppress the oppressive aura emanating from Tess to little avail.

I took a closer look and what I saw made my eyes widen in surprise. Tendrils of vines completely enclosed the figure I assumed was Tess. The thick dark aura made it hard for me to make out what it was until now.

"How much time has passed on the outside, brat? I think I've been holding in this foul aura for a day or so since she came back from the dungeon." He gave me a weary chuckle.

"What's happening to her, Gramps?" I didn't remember anything like this happening back when Arthur was assimilating with Sylvia's dragon will.

"Honestly, I'm not sure Typically, the purpose of assimilation is to enable the host's body to gradually withstand and control the beast will's power, but in this case, it seems to be the opposite. I'm beginning to worry that this beast's will is trying to take over Tess' body." Grandpa Virion's shaking voice was filled with unease.

"How is that possible? I've never heard of something like that happening." My brows furrowed as I contemplated the possible cause. My thoughts kept going back to the mana beasts that had been corrupted by the black-horned demons.

"I'm not so sure, brat. I feel like that Elderwood you fought might've been mutated." Virion's hoarse voice indicated that he was most likely at his breaking point.

I was ready to take over for Gramps, ignoring the burning sensation from my ring that was evidently growing more painful.

It happened even before my hands touched the surface of the cocoon Tess was in.

A spear of twisted vines aiming for my heart came out of nowhere while I dodged it. My heart thumped and beat faster in danger while I calmed myself down with a deep breath.

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