paintings; 1.06

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This chapter is dedicated to the absolutely lovely vinyl-, because she made the lovely cover that I adore so much! And because her stories are amazing :)


The next day, the girl sat with nervous swinging feet (they didnt come anywhere near reaching the ground anyway) and a racing heart in anticipation for the class to come. While she was waiting for the boy to come, she worked more on the background of the study for the painting that was resting in her desk in front of her. She had only a few touches to add. With gentle strokes, her pencil brought to life the beauty of the moonlight cliff.

After drawing for a while, she was startled when she felt someone's prescene directly behind her, causing her to make a wrongful mark in her drawing. A gentle laughter flew to her ears and a hand rested gently on her arm, its size engulfing her frailness.

"I seem to always catch you off guard." Rosy Cheeks said as he greeted her with a warm smile. His hand stayed in her arm. "You get so lost.."

She looked up quizzically at the boy behind her, having to twist her body to do so. He caught her puzzled glance, as his eyes had never left the girl, and his smile became more lopsided. "Drawing, painting, whatever you do in art. You detatch from reality. It's rather beautiful to watch." He finishes his previous statement for her.

As he walked away to get his things, his warm touch leaving her arm, she felt her neck and cheeks flush; merely from his words. Beautiful to watch.

She collected herself quickly, not wanting to over think its meaning and busied herself by erasing the error she'd made. Then, she joined the boy in collecting the objects she needed to begin painting. The concept of spending a considerable amount of time with the boy in class made her stomach twist into a thousand knots, but she was oh so excited for the piece she was about to begin.

Soon, after the two stole glances at each other (neither noticed that the other was doing the same) as they finished gathering up their tools and paints, they were back at their desks ready to begin. At first, they were painting in silence, despite the chatter from their peers and the radio that always played background music.

Then, the girl began to hum along with the song that was playing. She did so without realizing, as she often did when she was working with her art. But the boy took noticed and watched her carefully. That was, until the girl felt his gaze upon her and she looked up.

He didn't even try to look away, he merely smiled. "Did you realize that you hum while you paint?" He asked with his slightly husky voice.

The girl chewed at her bottom lip in a failed attempt to hide her warming skin and shook her head slowly, soon after returning to adding strokes of paint onto her canvas. She scolded herself for not being more polite, but she knew it wouldn't change how shy she was.

Then, with a sudden surge of confidence and annoyance with her introverted self, she looked up at the boy. "Did you know that you stick your toungue out when you concentrate?" She asked quietly, biting back a small that was threatening to appear.

It was true, she'd noticed it many times before. Not that she would ever admit that she stared at him enough to realize the fact.

The boy's deep laughter made another appearance as he poked his tongue out dramatically. "Touché." He replied, his chocolate eyes twinkling down at her.

And that was only the beginning of the small talk that occurred during their art class.

The girl secretly hoped there would be more days filled with the sound of the boy's voice, even if it was only senseless talk.


Bella's note: Wow have we gotten far since the last up day! 2.6k reads, 370ish votes, nearly 100 comments! How amazing all of you are, and not to mention getting Rosy Cheeks to #40 in short story?? I cannot thank you enough for the support that's been shown, I never knew I could even get any one to read my writing and to see people enjoying it is a wonderful blessing!

This chapter is not my favorite, but I wanted to update today (specifically because of the milestone I think we've reached and it could possibly be my birthday??? So consider it a party favor!)

I cannot thank you enough for everything! I hope your weekend is amazing and filled with a Rosy Cheeks of your own!


(P.s. like always, feedback is greatly appreciated! I'd love to know what you enjoyed or what I could improve on! Constructive criticism is always welcome!!)

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