Chapter 1

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I wake up suddenly in a dark empty space. Hearing nothing but silence, but then a crash and a bang and I starts moving up. Up and through the darkness. Boxes falling over, hitting me while I sit curled up in the coner scared for my life. Wondering what's going to happen to me and where I am. I stop still sitting in darkness, waiting and wondering. I stand up a bit hunched over looking throught the boxes, there's food, water and supplies, but why? Then I hear another bang and look up and i start moving again and I fall over banging my head on a steal bar.

I awaken to a girl, who looks to be about nineteen years old, over top of me. She looks puzzed, but she keeps asking me if I'm awake or alive. My eyes are barely open and I'm breathing lightly, I can hear another girl in the back ask if I was dead. I can't open my eyes, I can taste something. It's blood, I'm starting to fade. Somebody help me, anyone....

"Is he dead Tiff?" Leah said in panic.

"Well he's breathing, lightly. So he's alive, barely." She said back with a worried tone in her voice.

"Well you never know, just cause he's breathing doesn't mean he's alive!" said Leah. Tiff scoffs as I fall back to sleep.

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