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Alice insists on continuing on with the graduation party and I don't think it's such a bad idea but not a good one.

Having a bunch of teenagers in a house full of vampires is not such a good idea.

We'll graduate a million times over why should we throw one this time? "Things are getting worse in Seattle" I said turning the tv off.

"I wish I could see who's behind it" Alice said feeling dejected.

"As much as I want to believe it's not her it's the only explanation I mean come on Victoria knows Edward can read minds and Alice can see the future she's probably playing with the blind spots in your vision and having someone else make the decisions for her" I shrugged my shoulders as Emmett jumped up.

"Oh we're definitely going to Seattle now" I face palmed at him he's such a big little kid

"Why should we listen to you" I shut my eyes and took a deep breath to prevent myself from hitting him

"Edward I don't like you. Let's just make that clear. YOU don't have to believe me I couldn't careless. It's the only logical explanation and it can't be the volturi because both me and Alice have been watching Aro's decisions. Other than Irena Victoria is the only other person who has a grudge against us. You two are the reason for the death of both their mates. So to be honest I don't really care about your opinion Edward" I rolled my eyes before walking and sitting next to Rose on the couch.

"You should just turn me so I can help" Bella said as I clicked my tongue.

"No because as a new born you won't have any control and we can't risk that" Bella scowled as I rolled my eyes.

"Lily you can turn me right? You're a vampire! Can you!" I looked at Bella and scrunched up my nose in disgust.

"Bella I'm literally the one who told the pack we should just give you to Victoria actually I almost have a few times so why the hell would I change you anyways? And how the hell do you know about me anyways?!" I narrowed my eyes at her.

"What do you mean?" my eye twitched "I've never told you anything about me and I compelled you not to question me anymore or remember about me being a vampire so tell me how you know" I growled out stepping closer to her as Edward stood in front of her growling back.

I lifted my hand up pointing it at Edward causing him to double over in pain.

As much as Carlisle wanted to help he knew it was best that he shouldn't because it would just make things worse.

"I'll ask again how.do.you.know!" Bella flinched at my tone as her brown orbs shook like an earth quake making me smile in satisfaction.

Call me a sadist I don't care the fear she's feeling now is nothing compared to what I'm going to do if she doesn't speak up.

"Still not talking? Okay then" I smirked and looked at Edward "pain" I used Janes gifts watching as he basically begged me to stop.

"Stop! Stop! You're hurting him!" I snorted "I know and you could help him if you tell me" I tilted my head to the side waiting for her to speak.

"Bella just tell her!" Esme exclaimed looking distraught but she understands because everything I've ever said is true.

She knows this but her kindness won't let her be mean she's like Emily and sometimes it's not such a good thing because people take their kindness for weakness.

"I-I can't I promised-" I raised one eyebrow smirking "so the person is more important than Edward? You know the guy you so called love? The guy you jumped off a cliff for? The guy you went to Italy and sacrificed your life for? The guy you had got on a random guy's motorcycle for before because you hallucinated him? I'm starting to question whether you really love him or not" she looked away and fiddled with her fingers nervously.

I stopped the pain on Edward and looked at Bella curiously.

"The only reason someone would protect another over their lover is if the someone is either more important or will face consequences So either you tell me of your own free will or I compel you to tell me" she took a deep breath and looked at me.

"Jacob. Jacob told me after the bonfire. He told me not to tell you because there were consequences if he did. I just didn't want him to get hurt. He's not like Edward he can't have his limbs teared apart as they get put back together." I blinked at her and took a deep breath.

I stood up to leave but was held back by Emmett. "Ari relax" Rose said I smiled innocently. "I am relaxed I just wanna talk" I said clasping my hands together.

"Liar" I looked a Jasper feeling betrayed "sorry Raven" he sent a smirk my way making my eye twitch.

"Okay guys I'm okay" I took a deep breath as they let me go. When I saw they were not as close anymore I spun around and snapped appearing in the pack house scaring everyone.

"Ah what the hell Lils!" Jared exclaimed as I looked around for Jacob.

"Who are you looking for?" Emily asked me "Jacob." they looked at me worried as Emily put her hand on my arm in a comforting manner

"What did he do now?" Embry asked getting sick of his best friend well former best friend creating problems.

"You guys remember how I compelled Bella the other night?" They nodded "and I told Jacob to keep his mouth shut?" They nodded again "and I compelled Bella to forget about me being a vampire?" they nodded once again confused before their expressions change to one of disbelief.

"He didn't..." Quils voice trailed off as I nodded my head. "He did" my eye twitched "how did you find out?" Kim asked as she pulled me to the couch.

"There are a bunch of killings happening in Seattle and we may have to go there and deal with whatever's happening we were watching the news when Bella said we should just turn her so she can help" I ran my hand through my hair while I pinched the bridge of my nose with the other.

"They told her no because they can't deal with a new born who will have no control at the moment then she has the audacity to ask me saying you're a vampire right can you change me?" In that moment I wanted to kill her I really did.

"I asked her how she knew when I compelled her and she wouldn't answer me so I used my powers to hurt Edward and she still wouldn't talk after inflicting a large amount of pain on him I came to the conclusion that whoever she's protecting must mean more to her than Edward or there would be consequences" I closed my eyes and took a deep breath.

"Eventually she told me Jacob told her after the bonfire she promised not to say anything because there would be consequences and he can't get put back together like Edward so now I'm going to kick his ass" I cracked my knuckles and clasped my hands together on top of the table.

Now the question is how should I do it...?

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