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[present day]

Someone's arm is wrapped around her. Sophie leans into them as she's half-carried, half-dragged along.

They must have recently lightleaped, because the air smells different. It's still dark out, although she doesn't know what time it is. She sees trees, glass windows, and a tall fence gate. The dim glow of the gate sears at her sensitive eyes, and she squeezes them shut as bright spots bloom against her eyelids.

"Why are we at Everglen?" Sophie murmurs. She turns her head to the side and her vision drags behind it, as if in slow-motion.

"Oh, good, you're awake," Dex sighs, but he doesn't stop shuffling her along the path towards the Vacker's grand elvin residence. "We couldn't tell how bad it was, but you probably have a concussion. Elwin's already here."

That would explain why her head is throbbing. There's a faint ringing in her ears, too, from the blast.

The blast. The glass pyramid, the Foxfire dance, the outdoor balcony—

Sophie shoves down the flood of memories. "Dex, where's Wylie? He was at the pyramid. Is he—"

Dex stills against her. "He was," he replies. "Tiergan found him. Wylie is... well, he's not in the best shape, but he's alive."

She closes her eyes, relieved tears pricking at the corners of her vision. Wylie's alive. That's all she needed to hear. She can work with that. "Thank you."

"Of course," Dex says softly. "Now come on, you really do have to see Elwin. Can you walk?"

Sophie manages a few shaky steps forward, keeping a firm hand on Dex's shoulder as he guides her through the doors of Everglen.

The Vacker residence is as grand and elegant as she remembers, but this time the crystal chandeliers and sparkling windows are achingly bright instead of eye-catching, sending sharp pains through her head.

Sophie keeps her face angled toward the marble floor. To her dismay, her dress is completely ruined—where the skirt isn't torn to shreds, it's grimy with dirt. It makes her flush with embarrassment for ever entertaining the idea of going to the dance. Tonight was a stark reminder of why she never bothered with normalcy in the first place.

"Sophie! There you are!"

She looks up in shock as Fitz appears in the hallway in front of them. He's shedded his formal tunic, leaving him in just a shirt and vest. Aside from his distressed expression, he looks mostly untouched.

He rushes towards her and wraps her in a tight hug. She sinks against him in relief, ignoring the way her ribs ache in protest when he squeezes her.

"I was so worried when you didn't come back," he tells her. "I thought the worst had happened—"

"It's good to see you too," she says with a small laugh.

"Hey, easy," Dex warns, pulling Sophie back. "She's concussed and still has to see Elwin."

Fitz straightens up. "Yeah, sorry," he says, but his eyes are still on her. "Maruca brought a lot of us back here. They're either waiting in the living room to see Elwin or going home using our Leapmaster."

Sophie furrows her brows. "Were there that many injuries?"

He lowers his gaze. "No. Just Biana and Keefe."

She widens her eyes. "How did they—"

"Fitz. Where's Elwin?" Dex asks impatiently.

"Right, of course," Fitz answers. "He's upstairs in Biana's room."

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