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Chapter 46- Wind and Rain (3)
The Ye City attendant sighed, "It's impossible for the Sword Saint's disciple to win... Unless he also has a godly weapon, like 'Lin Yuan'.¹"

The important figures watching this round were all of the same opinion.

What weapon after the End of Dharma Era could face the roused might of the Feng Yu Sword itself?

Did Yin Biyue have Lin Yuan?

Of course not.

The Lin Yuan Sword had long ago been recast by the Sword Saint into 'Chun Shan Xiao' and 'Qiu Feng Li²'; this was common knowledge.

In the midst of Besieging the City with Wind and Rain, Yin Biyue raised his head to look at the sky.

The dense clouds in the sky billowed ceaselessly, as if night had come early, driving out the evening.

The black clouds surrounded the city, threatening destruction.³

The storm blew ice-cold rain into his face, but he seemed to be unaware, because his heart was colder.

Was this the will of the heavens that cannot be disobeyed?

Clearly it was only a single moment, but countless images flashed by.

The many previous years of unfulfilled wishes in his villainous career, the Cang Ya Mountains in a vast sea of misty clouds, the Academy filled with locust trees and the Director in the office, the rippling blue Fukong Sea, the Ye City where golden lanterns stood in for the moon...

On the rooftop, the bright moonlight shining into Lake Qiu, the night winds slightly cold, mingling with the fragrance of wine.

That time he had just said he wanted to pass his days well.

This rain; did the heavens want me to die?

But I did not come to this world to bend to the will of the heavens.

Under the sharp point of the blade, Yin Biyue looked at the sky and softly laughed.

The Yi Hu Sword faintly vibrated, as if it were also laughing.

The blade chopped straight down!

This strike did not cut Zhong Shan, nor did it cut the wind and rain!

It sliced straight towards the sky!

Striking at the oppressive black clouds!


The expressions of the people on the viewing platform changed.

The disciples below the stage were caught off guard, hurriedly closing their eyes, but the radiance was too dazzling, as if piercing through their eyelids, shining straight into their mental seas.

Endless lights all converged upon this one blade!

Just like forcibly pulling the sun back down to the earth!

Below ZhongMing Mountain, it shone like daylight!

The common people within Ye City could only see a strike of lightning in the midst of the rain, but the light was slow to scatter, and instead growing brighter and brighter.

They opened their windows or went out into the courtyards or held umbrellas and congregated on the streets as they gazed disbelievingly at ZhongMing Mountain.

The light grew more and more blinding. The stream of people on the street started scattering in all directions; some ran back home, some ran towards the city entrance, and housewives covered the eyes of their children wailing into their chests, running into the stores on the roadside.

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