Chapter 7-Things get worse...

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 "So can you talk to wolves and they'll understand you?" Oleo asked.

"It's not quite like that. I guess it's more of a body language thing." Lyell said placing the bag of murk stone in the cart.

Oleo had been asking a lot of questions lately, mostly about Lyell's gift. Lyell guessed Oleo was just trying to ease up the tight atmosphere. "I don't blame him." Lyell thought. "With Noby gone and with what happened last night, its put every one on edge."

Lyell did admit, he dearly missed the familiar sound of hoofbeats on the wooden cliff path. He frowned, who ever or whatever was in the woods last night was the cause of all of this.

Fright turned to anger as Lyell brooded on the idea. "Are they trying to scare us out of this place, scare us out of our home?" His grip tightened on the sides of the cart.

"Hey, are you okay?" Oleo asked.

"Hm? No, not really." Lyell admitted, letting go of the cart.

Footsteps echoed on the wooden cliff path and they turned to see Harmon walking up to them, holding a bag of murk stone. Without nosy, they had to carry bags of murk stone up to the cart.

"Paul said this the last one for today." Harmon said. "We should probably pull the cart up to the exit."

"Yeah." Oleo said and that was the last word said between the three of them as they began to haul the cart out of the cave.

When they got to the cave exit, they waited to Paula and Edward. Again not many words where exchanged when Paul and Edward arrived and the gloomy group began o walk down the mountain to the cabin.

Lyell personally hated the cold silence, he wished things could just go back to how they used to be. He wanted to be able to go home, eat hearty meal, maybe hear harmon play a song and share some stories with his friends. He knew that's not how it was going to go. They would go home, eat a cold meal of jerky and bread and maybe with a nod from each other they would go to sleep.He looked up at the cloudy grey skies, snow was threatening to fall."why is this happening" he thought.

Just then Paul halted the group "did you hear that?" he asked.

"Hear what?" Oleo asked but his question was answered when a faint whistle was heard off in the trees.

Everyone strained to hear it but soon enough they heard it again and it was closer. Lyell pulled out his pickaxe from his back sheath, the others followed suit, pulling out either their swords or pickaxes.

"Everyone stay close." Edward whispered. The group formed a circle around the cart and waited. However no more whistles came.

The group began to slowly start walking again, having one of them pull the cart while the rest of them kept a circle around him with weapons still at the ready. They kept up a fast pace not slowly down until they reached the cabin.

"I think we should forgo a fire outside tonight." Lyell said.

"I agree.' Oleo said.

"Alright then, let's put this cart away and then everyone get inside the cabin." Edward said.

Once everyone was the group let a few candles in without saying much to each other just sit either on their banks or near the door. However after the sun had set, the group had gotten very hungry. They decided to send someone to get some water for them to boil in the small fireplace in the cabin.

Lyle offered to go but because of the strange events he had all the outcome with him

"Before you go take this." Edward said getting up to pull out a case from underneath his bed

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