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Michirou wake up and just sit in the bed

" Hmmmm......" Michirou said

" Yesterday... Muichiro told me that he's going to somewhere after the meeting....." Michirou muttered while fixing herself

' is he going in the swordmith village.....?' Michirou thought

Her thoughts suddenly snap as she noticed the door open by Zenitsu and Inosuke

" Michirou.... your awake...." Zenitsu said while carrying a tray

" Sister!" Inosuke yelled as he approach her

" Inosuke!" Michirou said as she tapping his back in happiness

" Your awake!!" Michirou said as she smiled

" That's right!!!" Inosuke yelled

" Stop yelling you moron....." Zenitsu said as he put the tray next to Michirou

" Shut up!" Inosuke said

" I'm glad you're awake..... Good job Inosuke..!!" Michirou said

" That's right! Praise me more!!" Inosuke said

" And you're weak!! Don't make us worried!!" Inosuke added

" And you're okay now?....." Michirou asked

" No he's not..... Shinobu-san told him to rest but he's stubborn...." Zenitsu said

" I see...." Michirou said

" Here's your food....." Zenitsu said

" Thank you....!!" Michirou said as she accepted the food

" No problem......." Zenitsu said as he sit next to the bed

" Tanjiro still unconscious....." Zenitsu said

" Because Soichiro was weak.....!!" Inosuke said

" No he isn't......" Michirou muttered

" Stop yelling you moron!" Zenitsu said

" I heard you fight the upper rank 2......." Zenitsu said

" Yeah......" Michirou said while eating

" Those upper rank is really scary......." Zenitsu said as he hugged himself

" Here Inosuke......" Michirou said as she give the bowl of the food

" Hehehe!!" Inosuke laugh as he accepted it

" He just eat before we got here...." Zenitsu said as he sweat drop

" It's okay.... Zenitsu...." Michirou said as she eat too

" So how's your mission.....?" Michirou asked

" It's scary....." Zenitsu said

" I hope Tanjiro will wake up soon....." Michirou muttered

" Yeah....." Zenitsu said as he heard her

" oh That's..... right... Shinobu told me to give you this medicine....." Zenitsu added as he give the medicine

" Thank you....." Michirou said

Inosuke and Michirou continue to eat while having a conversation


Michirou already fine as she changed her clothes to corp's uniform to attend a hashira meeting

' Why do I need to report the mission when they know that I fight an upper moon.....' Michirou thought as she put the sword on her belt

' Zenitsu was on the mission and Inosuke was resting since Shinobu-san scolded him....'

Michirou leave the estate as she went to the meeting place

Michirou was following her crow as she was walking to reach the place

' Walking is really making me tired sometimes.....' Michirou thought while walking

' I just need to report my mission then it's finished.....' Michirou added

As Michirou was walking until she reach the meeting place

" Hi....." Michirou said as she look at them

" You're here....." Shinobu said while smiling

" Yeah....." Michirou said

" Why you took so long...?" Sanemi asked

" I'm lazy to walk so I forced myself to walk.. just to get here.. " Michirou simply said as she approach Muichiro

" Let's start...." Gyomei said

As they sit and start to asked Michirou who's really boring next to Muichiro

" So....How did you met the Upper moon 2..?" Shinobu asked while smiling

Muichiro and Giyu wasn't talking as they listening

" My crow told me that many girls was disappearing there so I immediately go there....." Michirou said

" Did you kill it....?" Sanemi asked

" No....he runaway because of the sunrise...." Michirou said

" I'm glad you're alive!!" Kyojuro said while smiling

" Is the upper rank 2 really powerful....?" Mitsuri asked

" Yeah..... he's using a golden fans....he have a rainbow eyes...." Michirou said

" What's the blood demon art that demon using....?" Obanai asked

" Hmmmm...."

" His blood demon art is ice......" Michirou said

" Is that all....?" Gyomei asked

" Yes....." Michirou said

" I see....." Gyomei said

" Hod did you fight the Upper moon 2...?" Mitsuri asked

" Let just say that I'm destroying the blood demon art he's making...." Michirou said

" Really....!?" Mitsuri said

" Yeah...." Michirou said

" His blood Demon Art was dangerous....." Michirou added

" I see...." Gyomei said

" You can leave now Michirou.... Thanks for the information....." Shinobu said while smiling

Michirou can sense that Shinobu was mad as she just glance to her

" Okay....." Michirou said as she stand up

" Michirou be careful...." Muichiro said

" Okay...." Michirou said as she bowed a little to them and leave

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