Chapter 16 - Jealous?

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After we saw John, I caught him looking at me. From head to toe. I don't know how I feel at the moment, but I know I feel uncomfortable. I just know Vegas knows it too.

"Oh, this is my boyfriend. This is my best friend Pete, and this is" Vegas cut Khun off.

"And I am his cousin and also Pete's boyfriend." Then Vegas went beside me and held my waist.

"Oh, so this pretty boy has a boyfriend. That's cute," John flirtedly said.

"I would be surprised if you don't have one. Am I right? " He added, then winked at me.

"Yes, and he's mine. Am I right? " Vegas said.

"Chill, haha, let's go now. I'll tour you guys." He said.

"You okay?" I said to Vegas. Ohh, this man is jelly. haha

"Uhuh, choose whatever you want, okay?" He said, then he gave me a smile.

"Oh, okay." I said

"Pete, come here, let's try some clothes!" Khun asked me to go with him. I nodded in my response.

I noticed Vegas and Dr. Top were discussing something, which appeared to be very serious. What are they talking about?

"Khun, look at them. They look very serious while talking to each other. " I said to Khun.

"Hmm, I'll ask Top after this." Khun said.

"Hey Pete, what do you want?" He said that after that, I could feel his hands holding my waist. I'm really uncomfortable right now. Then after that, I felt someone was behind me, breathing hard. I turned around to see who the person was.

It was.


"Hello John, can you please take your hands off my boyfriend's waist? Or else I will break it. " Vegas calmly said, he said with a big fake smile.

"Oh yes," John said, and right there he took off his hands quickly.

I just know Vegas is holding back his anger. And I know he's about to throw his hands up to John.

" Khun, I'm hungry. Can we go eat? Let's continue shopping later. " I said while holding my tummy. Actually, I wasn't really hungry at the time. I just wanted to go somewhere else because I wanted to get off the scene.

"Oh okay, I'm sorry John, but we'll go eat first." Tankhun said.

"Oh, that's fine, eat well!" He said, waving his hand.

We got out of the store. Because Dr. Top Khun's hands and Vegas did it to me as well.

"Eat well, my ass!" Vegas said.

"Hey! Don't say that. " Khun said.

"C'mon Khun, he's being flirty for both of you." top said.

"Yes, Top's right. You guys didn't even notice it? Let's go to a different store! Or let's eat! " Vegas said, then he crossed his arms. 

"Okay, let's eat." Tankhun said, as he held Dr. Top.

I also held Vegas's arms.

"Thank you," I said while holding Vegas's arms.

"Why?" he asked.

"Because, to be honest, I really felt uncomfortable and I thank you because you went there for me." I said

"You're welcome, baby." Vegas said that sentence to me sweetly.

After he said that, I really did feel butterflies in my stomach. And it felt like my heart wanted to get out of my body.

"We're here." Khun said

"Oh, finally!" I said

We ordered a large amount of food. I don't want to make the lunch awkward by having an awkward silence, so I made a conversation.

"So while I was in a coma, what did you guys do?" I asked.

"We did some investigations," Vegas said.

"Oh, Tankhun really helped you?" I asked.

"Yes—wait, how did you know?" Vegas said

"Oh, so I didn't tell you? So, even though I was in a coma, I could hear you all." I said

"I heard that you guys comforted each other." I added

"Wait, you heard that too?" Vegas said

"Haha, yes! And I am really happy that you guys are close now. So you guys only got close when I got into a coma. Thank God I got into a coma-"I jokely said.




The three of them shouted.

"Don't say that!" Vegas said.

"Okay okay, I was just joking. Let's eat!"

After that, we didn't go back to the store. Tankhun said he's so sleepy because Dr. Top and he watched so many movies until the sun started to rise. So they went back home. Both Vegas and I were so tired also, so we went back home as well.

To be continued.

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