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Logan was currently on his way over to the apartment before Colby comes over.

He really wants to practice the dance before he has to film it tomorrow.

Since Kaiden, Nick, and Patrick won't be in the video, they're staying home.

They might come watch, but I have to go and help. I honestly couldn't wait to see it.

When I walked into my living room after getting dressed from my shower, Logan was sitting on my couch.

I laugh a little bit as I look over at him. "You tend to make yourself at home, don't you?" I laugh a little bit.

He looks up from his phone and smiles. "Get used to it." He locks his phone and sits it down.

"So, you wanted to practice the dance?" I ask while looking at him. He nodded his head.

He grabbed his phone so he could pull up the song. He connected it to my speaker and stood up.

He had to teach me my part so I think this should be fun. When the song started playing, he looked at me with his hazel eyes.

"You ready?" He asked as I nodded. It took us an hour to learn my part of the dance.

Once I felt confident enough, he started the song over again.

"Step into my world. Bittersweet love story bout a girl." He sang over the speaker.

I would be lying if I said he didn't have an amazing voice. He's the type that doesn't need autotune.

Even though I couldn't sing, I sang over the girls part. I think we're pretty good so far.

We get to the part of the dance where he picks me up so that's exactly what he did.

He had his hands on my upper thigh as he spun me around. He gently sets me down, my hands traveling down his chest.

We look into each other's eyes deeply. We were looking into each other's eyes as we sung.

I stand with my back against him and raise my arms up as we start to finish the end.

His fingers travel up my arm, sending shivers down my spine. He reaches my hands and laces our fingers together.

He brings them down and out into a t. He then wraps his arms around me while I lean my head on his shoulder.

I close my eyes, feeling the moment. The song finishes while I catch my breath.

I look up to see Logan already looking down at me. There was softness in his eyes and I couldn't look away.

His eyes flickered from my lips to my eyes. Was he going to kiss me? Before I could say anything else, I heard someone clear their throat.

I instantly backed away from Logan as I look at who's here. My heart almost broke with how Colby was looking in between us.

This is just like Halloween, instead the roles are reversed. He honestly looked so sad, but we're just friends.

I clear my throat before speaking. "Hey, I didn't know you were coming. We were practicing for the music video." I tell him.

I could see him swallow deeply. "I tried texting you but you didn't answer so I just came in." He informed me.

I check my phone to see he did text me a couple times. I look over at Logan to see him looking at us awkwardly.

Logan cleared his throat causing us to look over at him. "I'm gonna go. Text me if you need anything." I nodded my head.

He thanked me before walking out. Colby watched Logan walk out of the apartment.

Once the door closed, Colby turned over towards me. "He is totally into you." He joked.

I rolled my eyes and laughed a little bit as I sat down. "He's just a good friend." It was now his turn to roll his eyes.

"Coming from a dude myself, he's into you." He goes on. I sigh while looking into his ocean blue eyes.

His eyes still looked a little sad. "How would you know?" I ask him a little sarcastically.

"I saw the way he just looked at you, I looked at you the same way." He admitted to me.

I swallow deeply while looking away from him. "So, you needed help with getting Superbowl supplies?" I ask changing the subject.

The boys are having a Superbowl get together with the whole group.

The whole group is invited so we're all going over there to watch. I was honestly excited to go over and watch with everyone.

Even though I wasn't the biggest football fan, I was excited to see everyone and get together.

Colby looks at me softly and nods his head. I get up so we can leave. Colby and I went to the liquor store first.

We got a couple bottles and then went to get some party supplies. We got a bunch of football stuff and we both get some jerseys.

The whole day was honestly super fun. We spent the day running around, getting stuff.

I drove over to the trap house so I could help put everything away. We walk in and it's super quiet.

"I'm not used to it being super quiet." I laugh a little bit when I walk in. Colby joins in, sitting the bags on the counter.

"It won't be soon." I sigh while looking around at the house. I have so many good memories here.

"I miss having a roommate." I admit to him. I for sure was used to having someone home when I needed someone to hang out with.

He looks at me as he sits the bottle on the counter. "Logan hasn't moved in?" He asked. I looked at him strangely knowing I don't know why he asked.

"Why would he move in?" I laugh a little bit. I could see him swallow deeply towards me.

He shrugs while looking away. "You two just seem close." He shrugged. I sigh while thinking about it.

"Yeah, we are close, but he's living with Nick." Nick, Patrick, and Logan, all live in an apartment together.

Kaiden lives with his aunt at the moment. "I understand how lonely living alone can be." I looked at him curiously.

He noticed the look on my face and started thinking back. "Back in twenty-nineteen, I lived in an apartment by myself." He spoke.

"Sam was right next door but after some shit went down, I hated living there by myself. I didn't have Corey or Jake to make me laugh."

I've heard stories about Jake and Corey, their old roommates. I've seen them at some of their parties and they look super cool.

"How'd you deal with it?" I ask him. He leaned against the counter to get comfortable.

"Distracted myself." He answered. I look down at my hands lightly, starting to play with them.

Even after everything that happened between Colby and myself, I feel a connection to him.

There's something about him that pulls me into him. I'm just super thankful that he's back in my life.

He's helped a lot with everything that happened to my dad. He proved himself.

As we stood there and talked, the door opened up, revealing Sam and Kat. They smiled when they saw us together.

We all hung out in the kitchen while we talked. I really missed these people, they became like my second family.

I can't wait for us to hang out during the Superbowl.

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