Andrew Wayne

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Andrew Wayne

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Andrew Wayne

Nicknames: Wayne, spidy, hot stuff, nicer 'Bruce'



February 20th



Nationality: American

Bio: The little brother of Bruce Wayne, Andrew was born to the rich life but he never cared about the rich life. As he was growing up he was a adventurous person always trying something new and other things but sadly when he was seven he watched as his parents was shot right in front of him with his older brother Bruce. Their death took a huge toll out of them mostly Bruce as Andrew tries his hardest to forget and press on with life, as they was in their teens years Andrew went on a trip to a lab that holds genetic enhanced animals and he was soon bit on the neck by a spider. After that he started to gain powers but hides it from his brother and Alfred to not to worry them, and as Bruce went off to train with the league of assassins Andrew trained himself to understand his powers and made a suit to become a super hero by the name of the Spider-Man.

Personality: Calm, caring, serious, punny, jokful, cunny, smart, brave, scary(when he needs to be)

Likes: crime fighting, his brother, alfred, sleeping, food training, the robins, pizza, movies, jokes, having fun, surfing, dogs, his powers, soda 

Hates: his brother nagging him, criminals, joker, assassins, deathstroke, his brothers villains, his villains

Hero Name: Spider-Man


Abilities: strength, speed, durability, stamina, endurance, wall crawling, spider sense, invisibility, sub sonic punch, talons, venom blast, night vision

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Abilities: strength, speed, durability, stamina, endurance, wall crawling, spider sense, invisibility, sub sonic punch, talons, venom blast, night vision

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