6 || Familiar Face

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Chapter 6: Familiar Face

I'd been surprised to find Jessica in the gym when I got there, she hadn't come back home since the night before.

I'd been surprised Mr Pipeson gladly rehired me after I'd quit last semester, but a part of me believed he'd been lenient since I single handedly got enough customers to keep the gym running. Everyone wanted to see Ashton's "ex" so Mr Pipeson was definitely going to capitalize on that.

Talk about a business man.

The whole school knew at this point, everyone was always at the gym, we'd skyrocketed from the most unpopular gym to basically the busiest.

Even at the early hours of the morning, there were already three girls and six guys in the gym, all whispering and pointing the moment I walked in.

A+ at subtlety.

I sighed. Jessica stood at the treadmill, assisting a girl who seemed to be the only one interested in exercising and not just gawking at "Ashton's ex."

I sucked in a deep breath as Jessica's eyes met mine, she quickly walked past.

We hadn't spoken since yesterday, after she'd spilled her emotions for Ashton to me, I could feel the tension between us.

I took a seat, unwrapping an Oreo and throwing into my mouth.

"Is that the strawberry flavour? It's my favourite."

I looked up to find a guy staring at me with a small smile, Hand running through dirty blonde hair to keep it in place. "Hi! I'm Devin." He stretched out a hand.

"Maddison." I smiled back. "How may I help you today, sir?"

His eyes narrowed at me. "You look familiar, are you sure we haven't met?"

I scanned his face, fluffy blonde hair, sculpted cheekbones, sharp jawline with a little stubble on his chin, well-built body. Heck… I'd probably remember if I met him.

I shook my head. "Don't think so… I take it you're here to gym?"

Devin nodded.

"Can I have your student ID?" I asked as professionally as one could with a mouthful of Oreos.

Devin frowned. "Umm… I'm not a student actually."

"Oh! You'll have to pay for a guest card if that's the case… would I make that a monthly or just for today?" I asked as I rummaged through my desk for a guest card, his eyes still fixated on my face, getting to identify me..

"Just for the day," he said.

I finally retrieved a card as he handed me his credit card, pushing in his pin.

"Have a nice day, Devin," I said as he entered the gym.

"Same." He waved.

I took another bite of my Oreos, watching as he bumped into someone, Jessica, who stared wide eyed at him, her lips agape like she was seeing a ghost.

She rushed back to the desk, staring at me. "That can't be who I think it is."

I perched a brow, intrigued. "And who is that?"

She looked at me with a duh expression. "You've got to be kidding me, you don't know him? That's Devin Laschester."

I nodded, still confused. "And he is?"

Jessica groaned, taking a seat beside me. "You haven't heard of Devin? He's arguably Stanford's best fighter, been in the spotlight ever since he could wear the gloves."

I raised a brow. He was a boxer just like Ashton, could he have known about me from Ashton himself? And why was he in our gym of all places?

Jessica glanced at me, her face regaining the tension between us. Like she'd almost forgotten.

"Jess, we should talk," I said.

"It's fine, Maddie…" she huffed. "In fact, it isn't, I should apologise for putting you in the middle of all the, I don't want you to feel like you're creating this… tension between Ashton and I… he broke up with me and that's all to it…"

"Oh hey."

Jessica and I turned, Devin had returned to the front desk. "Just remembered where I saw you, you're Ashton's ex, right?"

I smiled. "As I said before, I'm Maddie."

I didn't want to be recognised as just "Ashton's ex." I knew Devin probably meant well but everyone already knew me as that, it felt like a degrading label at that point.

"Oh sorry," he apologized.

"It's fine."

"Umm… hoping this isn't awkward but was just wondering… would you mind showing me around? Kinda still finding my way around this place."

"Actually, I have a class right after this, I don't think so, sorry," I said. Glancing at Jessica, I immediately got an idea. "... But my co-worker here could probably help, she's free."

Jessica threw me a surprised glance, her cheeks easily turning a shade of rosy red.

Devin turned to her. "Hi, I'm Devin."

"Jessica," she replied.

"So, would you be available right after this, we could grab a snack if you'd like." He shrugged.

"That sounds nice."

After exchanging numbers, Devin walked back in to exercise.

Jessica turned to me, her cheeks still flustered. "I don't know whether to kill you or kiss you."

I laughed, hoping she didn't choose the former.

"If this is your way of being a matchmaker, Maddie, it's not going to work."

"Moi?" I asked innocently. Jessica has already began laughing her ass out, nudging me.

"I'm really sorry you had to leave last night, Jess… I know things are kinda rough between you and Ashton but I think you both can be good friends."

She nodded, packing all the guest cards back into the drawer. "Yeah, let's just pray I don't have to sleep in the gym anymore." She laughed.

I scrunched my brows. "You'd slept in the gym?"

I'd just thought she'd gotten to the gym earlier because she probably thought Ashton slept over and wasn't eager to meet him, I didn't think she actually slept here last night.

"What about Dale's, he would have allowed you at his place anytime."

Jessica looked at me with slight shock, her eyes mixed with emotions as she spoke. "You don't know?"

"Know what?" I asked, confused.

"I thought you knew, everyone does."

Well… when you live under a rock like me, Patrick star is basically your middle name. "Know what?" I asked again.

"The school finally found someone to theoretically blame for drugging you, he was the only guy they could put the blame on instead of Joey."

I could feel my stomach churn at the thought of what Jessica was about to say, I'd always known Joey wouldn't get punished for his crime, he was the guy who had the money after all but I didn't think the school would do this...

"Dale got expelled."


The suspense!

Forgive my overdramatic ass, I've been drinking too much sugar lately.

Finally finding out who took the fall for Joey's actions, do you think Dale sound have gotten expelled?

What do you think of Devin? I'd love to hear your thoughts.

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