House of Webs

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Layla's POV

"Is Victor still asleep?" Fabian whispered as we joined him and Alfie in the hallway.

"Sleeping like a baby," I replied with a grin.

"Well, lucky old Victor," Amber commented, cranky from the lack of sleep.

"I don't think he'll see it that way when he realizes all the amulets are gone," Fabian pointed out.

"That's why we have to get to school before he wakes up. "Tonight, we go back to the tunnels," my sister said.


"Hi," I greeted Jerome.

"Hello. What are you so excited about?" He asked as he held my locker open for me.

"I've got a meeting with Mr. Sweet, and I can't wait!" I replied.

"Steady. I'll have to call the excitement police," he said as he rolled his eyes at me. I stuck my tongue out and he bopped me on the nose.

"Hey! No, I'm intervewing him for the website.
Mara wants me to write an article on junk food in the school cafeteria. She's calling it: "Do you want lies with that?"

"What a scoop," Jerome said sarcastically as we headed over to his locker next.

"Are you okay? You skipped breakfast," I asked.

"There's a limit of how much sugary flaked corn I can take in a lifetime. I may have peaked early," he joked, though I could tell something was up.

"You're a terrible lier," I told him as I crossed my arms.

"I resent that. I am a brilliant liar!" He argued.

"Either way, I know something's up. You can tell me. You know I won't judge," I reassured him.

"Okay. Last time I visited my dad, he asked me to do something for him," Jerome said.

"Bring him some books?" I asked.

"Find a priceless gem in old suit of armor," he said quickly.

"Okay. I was way off. I thought he was trying to go straight," I said confused.

"He is. It's to make up for something bad he did before," said Jerome.

"By making you steal the gem? Two wrongs don't make a right, Jerome," I reminded him. "I just don't want you to get in trouble," I added quietly.

"I'll be fine. Anyway, it doesn't matter. I failed.
I looked all over the library for the suit of armor. It's gone," Jerome complained.

"This actually matters to you, doesn't it?"

"It's a bonding thing. Some guys go fishing.
Clarks track down priceless jewels. That's how we roll. He needs me to do this for him," Jerome said sincerely.

"You're putting another human being before yourself. I think I might cry," I teased him.

"Please, don't. People will think I'm being mean to you!" He hissed as he quickly looked left and right. I rolled my eyes and gave him a hug and a kiss on the cheek before heading to Mr. Sweet's office.

I had just walked into his office when I suddenly spotted a photo on his desk I had never really looked at before. Was that he and Eddie fishing?

"Is that Eddie?" I asked pointing to the photo.

"Oh, yes, he's...well he's my son, but I don't think he wants people to know so if you could keep that to yourself I would greatly appreciate it, Layla," he replied looking extremely uncomfortable.

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