𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝟏𝟔.

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Rhegan Clarke

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Rhegan Clarke

𝐦𝐞: 𝐈 𝐦𝐢𝐬𝐬 𝐲𝐨𝐮

It's been two weeks since I last saw Dominic in person.

His schedule was so busy. We'd barely even gotten to spend a decent amount of time on our nightly facetime calls. I was either busy studying or drained from school to stay up at night.

On the bright side, Dominic and the guys were doing amazing despite losing a few games. I could tell that Dominic let a few losses get to his head. On those days, I tried my hardest to help in any way that I could regardless of the distance between us.

I chewed on my thumbnail as I stared out at the books laid in front of me. My head was hurting and my brain felt like mush from all of the knowledge that I'd retained.

" Here are your flash cards for this unit. Just in case you have any pop quizzes, I want you to be prepared. The flash cards were a hit last year so I figured we'd do it this year." Elizabeth handed me the multi-colored cards that she hand wrote.

" You didn't have to do this, Liz." I studied her neat penmanship that was written on the note cards.

Elizabeth waved me off and plopped her bubble butt down on my bed." I was bored and needed a distraction."

In other words, Abel had an away game tonight.

Elizabeth and Skylar were the lucky ones. They got to see their boyfriends everyday while the rest of us had to suffice to facetime calls and swapping off weekends to see ours.

" Abel played a great game." I placed the cards on my desk and turned back to my books, clicking the pen rapidly as I looked at my phone.

Elizabeth hummed." Yep. I just wish he were home. Then I could properly congratulate him."

I chuckled, the one clicking filled the silence that followed.

It came to a sudden stop when Elizabeth gently pulled the pen out of my hands. " Did you take your medication today?"

Guilt immediately poured into my body as I debated lying.

That thought went out the window as I stared into Elizabeth's eyes. They twinkled with worry as she studied me, staring deeply into my soul for the truth. " Rhegan."

Removing my thumbnail, I shook my head." No. I didn't take them today."

" Didn't take what?" Ayanna walked into my room.

My eyes pleaded with Elizabeth not to say anything. Besides Dominic, Ayanna was the mom person riding my ass about taking my pills.

" Rhegan didn't take her pills today."

" You bitch!" I gasped.

" No!" Ayanna tutted." Don't 'you bitch' her for telling the truth. Rhegan we can't fall back into bad patterns again. You know how bad you adhd gets when you don't take your pills. And if Dominic finds ou-"

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