4 (coffee and howstatebecomestate)

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Gov lives off of coffee and rarely sleeps unless someone forces him to.

Stares don't just appear as states, they all used to be human but slowly where changed into states. Some don't notice until it's too late, their friends and family passing around them while them themself arnt aging or dying, wondering what's happening. It's only explained to them when another state or Gov finds them.
They can get hurt and die, but it takes a lot more to hurt them and they will reappear a day later.
Strangely enough when a human kills them the person isn't seen again. Weird.

People annoy Alabama with 'sweet home Alabama' jokes. Alabama is not amused.

Oregon (somehow) got all the states to go to Ashland's film festival. All the theater and artsy states liked it, some where extremely bored, and some snuck out.

All regions get a bit too competitive with collage sports- they've had to rebuild and/or repair the instate house way to many times because of that.

If you know what's good for you you don't mess with someone else's coffee. Florida ruined all the coffee grounds one morning. The poor Sunshine state had to hide in his state to not get killed by anyone.
It's still unknown if ruining the coffee was done on accident or not.

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