A new little new life

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Jisoo returns to the village; she seems can't to find an exit because the forest is too thick and deep as the wild animals maybe if she does not be careful, she will be lost and couldn't be found.

On the way back, she sees a group of elderly women who are cooking and talking about something. When she stands on the spot a woman sees her and calls Jisoo from far away " Mme.?" an old woman approaches her " yes?" Jisoo responds and does not expect her to speak Korean. The woman laughs a bit at Jisoo's sudden reaction " Ahh sorry I just don't expect something to talk Korean here because since I woke up, I just heard the villagers talk the language I didn't understand at all" she gives the old woman an awkward smile.

" Everybody here is speaking Korean but not very fluence because we are born here in a small village and not so well educated" she smiles to Jisoo " because the young master's father and the young master have built a school for our kids, support them to study in the city and helps us to live in a better live condition, otherwise we all won't have this day." the old woman speaks while pats Jisoo's hand and look at her eyes innocently and grateful.

Jisoo can't do anything but gives her a big smile " my master had never brought a woman here before you are the first one, he brought here. I can see that he loves you so much" the old woman speaks to her " Neither I do but sometimes the pitiful is greater than love" Jisoo face down a bit but she forces herself to smile because she doesn't like to cry.

The older woman doesn't react to her sudden change and grabs her hand " come with me" Jisoo doesn't say anything and follows her to a tent full of the woman some of them are cooking, some are chatting with each other, and the rest are preparing the vegetable for those who are cooking. 

Everyone is greeting her with a warm smile and continuing their work. The old woman is going to help the others and let Jisoo stood there for a while she goes to the kitchen and start to cook with them. Even she is one of the biggest idols in Korea, but she has a good personality, humble, pretty and so kind. The elders' women also like her very much even she comes here not so long.

" My apologizing to ask, why are we cooking so much food? Do we have some kind of festival in the village or something?" Not long after Jisoo participating, she has so many questions in her mind. The older women laugh and one of them response " Madame, maybe you didn't know that our village every year in this month we celebrate for the water god and the forest god in return for the food and the peace" Jisoo listens to what she said carefully.

" And also, in this festival they believe if you make a wish, it will grant your wish in a long a short time it depends on your action. Unbelievably, the elders in our village said: if a married couple go to the waterfall and make a wish, they will stay by each other side until the dead tear them apart. For the unmarried women or men just make a wish they will find their soulmate after" Another woman speaks so romantically while the others also smile at the same time.

Jisoo starts to feel dizzy all of a sudden when a woman offers her a wildflower that has a fragrance smell for the other, but for Jisoo feels like some kind of bad smell and she stars to vomit. The peoples their look at each other with a question face. A middle-aged woman approaches her and pats Jisoo's back " Madame, are you sick?" Jisoo waves her hands to tell them that she is okay. Jisoo sits while they start to ask her the question.

" Do you have this symptom frequently?" she asks her Jisoo thinks a bit " It's about three weeks already. Everything that I've experiencing to smell good but now it's smell so bad even the fruits I used to ate and I fell so fatigue " She continue talking and the women smile so brightly because they know something " have you experienced before this?" the middle-aged woman asks again " I guess I do feel it before when I was pr-" she stops talking and look at her flat belly.

" I guess we have to celebrate something bigger than the festival" the wife of the village chief enter into the conversation and smile to Jisoo. Jisoo doesn't say anything just to stun in the spot in one hand she feels happy but in the other hand she feels nervous. 


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