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I walked to the stairs i am on floor A right Now and i got a go to floor C so 1 floor down.

'Where should i start' i Said as suddenly i heard a banging on door 7C. 'Well i am not going in there first' i thought.

So i started walking to a door best me witch said (4c) I walked in to see a Nether inspired room.
I looked around the room and saw a Guy with brown/black hair with a bandana around his head. His "uniform" had a little flame sticker on it.

"Hello" i Said stepping forward No answer..
"My name is Y/n and i Will be the new doctor on Floor C" i Said with a smile on my face.

"What Do u want" he said in a tired voice givning me the side eye.

"I just wanted to introduce myself" i Said and turned around to walk out of the room.

After i locked the door i thought 'well he was cheerfull, now to 7C'

I started to walk toward a door with 7c written on it. I took a deep breath and opened the door.

The room was dark Really dark the only thing I could see was 2 green orbs in the darkness.
"Who are u?" The orbs? Said.
"Oh hello, I am Y/n ur new Doctor" I said.

"What happened to R/n?(random name)Was he not annoying enough?" He said back annoyed.
"Oh, R/n Switched floor with me, it was not our choice it was-" I said.
"Did I ask?" He said interrupting me.

"Well have a good day then DrEaM" I said rolling my eyes even tho nobody can see. Then i turn to leave.
I locked the door and went to do my other duties.

WOW a little longer chapter for y'all nice right I KnOoOOW. Goodnight 💤

Yeah no im not finishing this all the chapters where drafts from 2022- but yeah no. 

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⏰ Last updated: May 23 ⏰

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