Doing nothing

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Even after returning to our tent, Sudou showed no sign of calming down. I
took my distance from him to give him some alone time to cool off.
Karuizawa called out to me and Hirata once we came back from our cavalry
"Hey, Kiyotaka. Isn't this bad?".
"What is? Wait, why did you just call me by my first name?".
"Why you say?.....I've begun to call him Yousuke-kun so I'm doing the same
for you too".
Then why are you only dropping honorifics for me? Are you saying I'm even
lower than him in your eyes?
I don't even have to think deeply about's probably just that.

Hirata : kiyotaka‐kun , you shouldn't bad mouth yourself.

Kei : That's not it Kiyotaka, I used your first name since we were beginning to know each other well. ' Seriously, why would he think like that , I mean I know that our relationship at that time wasn't very good but still , hmmm. Maybe I should do something later to make him happy , hehe.'

Haruka : ' So Karuizawa‐san was the first to call kiyopon by his given name huh. Somehow I feel a little sad for airi.'

"More importantly, it's about Horikita-san. Isn't she having a hard time for
quite a while now? Even during the cavalry battle just now, she was a mess.
Even if I try and follow up for her if it's like that, it's just absurd".
"That's right".

Sudou : Yeah , it was like the other participants were targeting suzune.

Ike : Yeah , I think so too.

Horikita is being tormented by the contests and not just the team
competitions but as a whole, her rankings have fallen significantly. The
reason for that is an obvious one. Due to her fall during the obstacle course
race, her right leg has been injured. One would normally suggest withdrawing
but if that were to happen, Class D as a whole would be taking a huge step
"Well, I don't intend to blame her though. Her opponents are just too much".
Like Karuizawa said, it's not like it's Horikita's fault. Each and every time she
keeps running into difficult opponents. No matter what contest it may be, if
she keeps having to face students who happen to be the best in their clubs,
then naturally winning would prove difficult.
But this is far too biased to write off as a mere coincidence.

Katsuragi : isn't that quite strange.

Ichinose : Yeah, it can't be a coincidence. It's impossible for the enemy to put strong students in each event Horikita-san participates.

Matsushita : 'So what ayanokouji said about a traitor leaking the participation table was true after all , huh.'

"It can't be helped. She's being targeted after all".

Onodera : So she was really being targeted by the other classes.

"Targeted? So you mean it's not a coincidence that she keeps running into all
these amazing people?".
"I can't think of anything but that. You should also know just how athletic she
It's not that Horikita is bad, it's just that the opponents she's forced to compete
against happen to be superior. However, by consecutively placing bottom,
she couldn't help but stand out to both enemies and allies alike.
More so because people have started to take notice of Horikita in particular.
The fact that she was the first one targeted in the cavalry battle only means
that they're targeting the root. And in all likelihood, the one who ordered that
is---the one conducting himself like a king in the enemy camp, Ryuuen
Kakeru. No one but him would do this.
He's progressively prioritizing attacking Horikita over leading Class C to

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