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Running for all he's worth, he runs deeper and deeper into the forest. Panting, he pulls out his phone and calls Jack. "J-Jack, they saw me. I need you to pick me up. They're chasing me hurry. I'll send you my location."
"See you in ten." Theo heard yelling in the distance. He ran, eventually getting out of the forest.

"There he is!" Scouts ran after him. An arrow flew past him, slicing the side of his shoulder. Scouts on horses cornered Theo, pointing swords and arrows at his face.

"Don't even think about moving." A low voice grumbled. One of them yanked Theo's arms behind his back and lock handcuffs on his wrists.
"Ow." Theo mumbled.

Author's Note: Hi friends :) Some chapters will be longer or shorter than others so just bear with me, I have tons more chapters to make up for it

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