Chapter 21: Mazerunner...

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I know I said I will not be able to update this week but I found a few minutes to spare and wrote this chapter. I was feeling sorry so I decided to post this.
A special thanks to @reginaa06 and @Kyungsoo9399 for giving this story the most votes!! Thank you so much guys, really appreciate a lot!!!:)

Isabelle and Elizabeth's POV

It was such an awesome time!! We really enjoyed the movie even though we watched it like a 100 times but the best part was when Christy and Selene started singing. We knew that they really liked the song before and they could never help but sing to it whenever it cones on, so we decided on that particular movie.

We really miss the old Christy...the one who would make us laugh and joke with us and teach us to bake and we would do all silly and crazy things together but eveything changed... And we want it to be like that again...

It was really surprising when Christy and Selene grabbed us and made us dance with them it was so much fun, everyone couldn't stop laughing and cheering and we couldn't stop giggling...

Christy's POV

The song finished and I couldn't help the grin that broke out on my face, I was too over whelmed.

"Thank you, Thank you we will be here til' next morning!"I shouted and every cheered.

"Yaas, peepz that how we roll!!"Selene exclaimed.

"Just like the good old times huh Christy."Selene smiled at me with a longing look in her eyes

"Just like old times."I said, remembering all the awesome memories we had.

"That was really fun!!"Isabelle yelled.

"That was awesome!! I wish we could do this again..."Elizabeth said in a soft voice towards the end but I heard her.

"My child, what you talking?! Of course we gonna do this again!!"Selene said in a 'Duh' tone.

"Yes, Girlies, this is 'going down for real'"I said with grin.

"So let it soak inn like seasoningg'"Selene continued right after me."Yaas, when we state them lyrics."

"My word, what has gotten into your'll." Elizabeth asked, looking at me like I had grown two heads.

"Girlies, this is what we do."I said with a casual shrug.

"Chrissy, you haven't called us that in years."Isabelle said, like she couldn't believe what she was hearing.

"Enough with the sob stories, lets get this party started, all you messed up people!!"Selene yelled.

"Wait aren't we forgetting something?"Isabelle said with a frown.

We stopped and turned around to see my parents, Uncle Franklin, Aunt Lucinda and the boys staring at us.

"Hello!"Selene said with a silly smile.

"I see your'll having to much fun to even remember we are here."Uncle Franklin said trying to sound hurt but failing miserably by the smile he had on his face.

"Sorry!"Isabelle amd Eilzabeth yelled in unison apologetically.

"You can join us?"I said with a shrug.

"I want to!" Sebastian yelled making Anthony elbow him in the side.

"Oww, what was that for!!"He said, rubbing his side.

"Your'll can join us."Selene said.

We put the music back on and we were all dancing and laughing, it was probably the most fun night we had together...

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