Bound To The Twin Hybrids EDITED!!

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Kiara felt like she was constantly walking on eggshells. Her nerves were in a frenzy as it's been nearly a week since Kadin left and her mind just can't handle it.

Seriously he said a few days why is it over two weeks?

"Kiara you want to go out with us?" Winter's voice flew from behind Kiara as she along with Sunflower, Coco, and Rain were dressed. "We plan on going to the movies you up to it?"

"No I'm good." Kiara said as she continued to braid Amera's hair.

"You sure Kiki?" Coco asked concerned. " You've been stressing lately."

"Yea I'm fine I'm too tired to go out. I plan on just sleeping anyway." Kiara then waved her off. "Now go don't stay out too long."

The girls shrugged as Sunflower ran out the door. "More drinks for me then!"

Kiara laughed as the door closed behind them.

Those girls are something else.

"You really don't feel like going out?" Amera asked Kiara as the older girl continued to finish her braids.

"Going out can sometimes be more draining than fun and I already got a lot on my mind."

Kiara then finished off the last cornrow. "And besides, can't just leave you hanging without a new hairdo." She patted Amera shoulder lightly. "Alright go check in the mirror."

Amera ran towards the nearby mirror and smiled brightly at her long braids. "Thank you!"

Kiara nodded as she hugged the younger girl. "Alright you can do the cleaning of this mess while I get ready for bed."

Amera sighed but nodded. "Goodnight Kiara."

"Night Amera." She answered back as she walked up the stairs to her room. Inside her rooms she takes herself a long shower as she does she feels the familiar lightheadedness fill her mind.

Drying off Kiara groaned painfully.

I'm too tired to put on any clothes tonight.

With that thought in her mind she tiredly gets under her covers and drifts off into her sleep.


Coby felt sweat pour down his forehead in stress.

It hurts.

Ryder's dry voice filled my mental space. "Coby... you need to see Kiara."

Just for her to turn us away?

"And who's fault is that?!" Faze irritated voice boomed through my head making my headache more severe as I felt chills bore through my body.

Do you think she'd even give a damn if I told her you're dying?

"You'll have to find out."Faze coughed weakly.

"Coby we might not last the night." The soft but blunt whisper of Ryder made me finally grit my teeth and shakily get up from my bedroom floor.

I'm sorry Kiara but I need your help this time.

Kiara felt a familiar heat rise through her chest and spread throughout her body.


Her mind felt foggy as her senses started wavering.
The chant of her counterparts gave her headache another strong round of aches. Kiara sighed in agony as she rolled over on her bed. And soon her blue eyes glowed faintly while her claws extended.

𝐁𝐨𝐮𝐧𝐝 𝐓𝐨 𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐓𝐰𝐢𝐧 𝐇𝐲𝐛𝐫𝐢𝐝𝐬(𝐁𝐰𝐰𝐦)Where stories live. Discover now