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Guuyys~ sorry, you reached the goal yesterday, but we are on a trip and my uncle and dad just suddenly thought about camping and took us out! There was no signal u.u but now I'm back to their house! That means chappie for you~

P.S: #CallMeBaby18thWin
P.p.s: Big Bang is back~


Dreea's POV

"Hello Miss Dreea" said Martin bowing.

I greeted back as Kai and I entered my manor.

"Can you please ask everyone to gather here?" I asked him and signaled Kai to wait while the living room started filling up with the service, including Arnold and Alice.

I tilted my head wondering how I should express what I want to say, wouldn't it be a bit weird if I do this? I also have to make sure they don't misunderstand things.

When everyone was here I spoke, I noticed everyone was looking at Kai with curious faces, some of them had seen him before but I'm sure they are wondering why he is here again and I made them gather.

"Okay, I-I just wanted to order something today" I started but it sounded unsure, this is actually my first time giving orders instead of asking favors.

Alice giggled "this is a first, is it about this young man? Where's Luhan or that cute guy with big ears?"

I pouted "don't be like that Alice I am trying to give an order here... Luhan will come later when they are dismissed with Tao, and you know Dobby just came here because of a project"

"Alright Your Highness what do you want us to do?"

I pointed at Kai "I want you to keep him a secret here"

He raised a brow "secret? There's like 30 people here"

I saw some of the maids and my chef flinch a bit at his cold tone, I must admit that this guy can be pretty intimidating even though he is almost a maknae but I didn't really mind it anymore because I got used to it.

I rolled my eyes and turned to the rest "this is Kim Jong In, he'll be coming here on Mondays and Wednesdays with me after music club, we'll be using the dance room and he may come in when he wants to do it, I gathered you here because I don't want you to let Tao know about it, don't tell my parents, I'll be the one to do it when they come back from their trip but NEVER let my brother nor anyone related to my school know about it, not even Luhan, Kai will be gone by the time Tao comes back"

They all answered in unison "we understand"

I nodded and grinned "thank you! Oh, and don't be take it personal if he gets too jerky, that's the way he is. In case you see he's more angry than usual just cook some chicken and that makes the magic"

"Should we call him Mr. Kim?" Asked Arnold.

Kai shook his head and replied in an icy but polite way "Kai is okay"

I clapped once "I won't keep you here any longer, you must be busy, thank you guys~"

They vowed and left to do their respective duties, I asked Arnold to bring some comfortable clothes for Kai and signaled him to follow me.

As we walked down a corridor heading to the dance room I noticed that he was wearing a poker face yet his eyes were looking around as if trying to memorize every single detail of the place, a hint of curiousness in his eyes, almost invisible but it was there.

"It's your first time coming to this part of the house, isn't it?" I asked him.

He nodded slightly "I never went pass the living room because of your brother... Not that I wanted to"

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