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Where does this road lead and will I find the end before time runs out
After spinning clockwise for what feels like hours and only after hours and hours have passed does the moonlight continue to catch my breath and looking out into the waters it almost makes me feel a sense of nostalgia as I am looking for where the water came from because there doesn't seem to be any raindrops falling down from the sky but capturing what I thought were stars into the night only made me question who was I? And where was my story when they found the rose petals inside of the ocean? But then I asked myself one question hoping the time would lead me to the truth that ate up my head and never dreamed but placed me out of the reality that was my nights dream and after seeing the places of the memories where I used to go it all seemed to change in a blink of an eye before the stopwatch controlled the time.
But loved seemed to be an after thought of everything that rolled down my face like tears and wrapped my heart around my arms and loved me more than what forever could feel like after the last time of the day that I felt a love so beautiful than what the last two years gave to me as I spent all those years apart it really seemed to fly by so fast as I was getting through life by the skin of my teeth everyday of every night where life started to look like the same star and then the same sun would continue to fill in the pages and then it would write me a poem of sleepless sunlight.
The sleepless sunlight gave me
My torch and filled the flames
With all of the fire
And made my heart beat more than
The hours of the clock that made time
Blossom like petals each and every day of the lifetime we spent dreaming of us day in and day out.

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