Epilogue. The Slaughter

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Epilogue. The Slaughter

     There's some things in life that will always stick with you

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     There's some things in life that will always stick with you. Like a knife in skin. A needle with thread. A girl and boy. You could pull the knife out and bleed, but the scar will always be there. It remains. The needle will pull from the thread, and it will unravel—you'll have to do it again for it to remain. A girl cannot without a boy, especially when in love.

   Everything leaves a remembrance.

It had been two long sleepless days in a destroyed town. Folks were leaving. School was not back on. Jobs were shut down. The station was overwhelmed. People were dead. Some found, others not.

They were still looking for Eddie on the TV.

"Are you sure they're comin', kid?" Calvin Powell looked down at Vera as she sat on the front steps of the Harrington Home. Her facial features were more sunken in, eye's shadowed by lack of sleep.

"Y-Yeah.." She cleared her throat. "Yeah. Steve.. He said, um, they'd be home today."

Powell nodded slowly, hands in his pocket. He felt bad for the kid next to his feet. "Where they comin' from? Do ya' know.."

Vera's dying gaze moved down to her dirty laces. "Chicago.. I think. His dad has business there."

The older man nodded slowly, again. A soft sigh leaving his lips. "Are they always gone and goin'?"

Vera hummed. "Since Steve was fifteen."

   His name felt like a bad word in her mouth. One she wasn't allowed to say as a kid, and would get soap in her mouth if she did.

Powell blew out a breath, and perked up a little as a sleek BMW pulled up the street. Loch Nora hadn't been hit, unsurprisingly. It was Hawkins perfect neighborhood. Vera's heart suddenly climbed to her throat. She stood up rather quickly and nearly tumbled over, Powell helping steady herself.

She hadn't eaten much recently, she was a little weak in her bones.

  Candy Harrington noticed the officer first, and there was a grateful look on her face—her home hadn't been burned to shreds. As for Harris Harrington, he didn't pay mind to his guests and maybe, he chose to ignore them. "Officer," Candy smile. "Everything alright here?"

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