chapter 18- Home

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Stirring from my dreamless sleep, I look around the small box of a place I call home, currently. I am not going to miss this place if we get out.

I'm guessing it's early morning, but I obviously can't tell.

I just can't wait to get back to dad, and Peter, and the whole gang. I've missed them over the past few days.

I guess I've always known something was wrong. I just didn't want to believe that I didn't have my family.

"Hey, listen to me." The door closes and Henry is standing in my 'home'.

"Oh, hi."

"I told them this is a torture device. When I inject you with the serum, scream."

"Eh, what have I got to lose?"

I hold my arm out, Henry sticking a needle in my inner elbow bit thing.

I scream as loud and as painfully I possibly can, feeling the liquid pour into my system.

When he pulls away, I look at my arm, feeling normal.

"It should set in in a few minutes and you'll have your powers back."

"Thanks. So, how long are we waiting before we do this?"

"Just..." he looks at his watch, "8 minutes."

-N/POV: with the Avengers-

"Everybody, we've just arrived, and we've activated the reflecting panels so we're invisible. Scott, it's go time," Tony calls.

Scott jumps out of the back of the quinjet and becomes small, landing on a flying ant. He flies down and stops on top of the building, climbing in through a window.

"There's not as many guards as I thought there'd be," Scott says through Comms, getting the team's attention. "Send in the squad. I'll look while they distract the guards."

"Got it, do you copy, Clint? Nat?" Steve asks, calling them from their jet.

"We got it," Wanda chimes in.

Wanda and Vision hover down, taking Clint and Nat with them. Bucky and Sam dive down, while Rhodey flies and Loki teleports.

They begin fighting guards posted at the entrance, while the rest of the team fly to the sewers.

They hide the jets, running as fast as they can to the vent.

-Y/n's POV-

Firing guns gets both of our attention. I push open the door, knocking the 2 guards posted unconscious.

I grab Henry's hand and pull him with me, down the corridor and to the left.

"Take a right!" He yells over the guns.

We take a right.

Just then, Scott emerges from the ground, becoming normal size.

"Scott!" I yell, wrapping my arms around him.

"Everyone's waiting for you at the vent. We gotta move, now!"

"He's coming with us," I say, watching Scott turn to Henry.

He shrugs his shoulders, then grabs my hand, pulling both me and Henry with him.

I block gunfire and shoot it back at the guards, all of them dropping to the floor.

We get to the exit door, Scott pushing it wide open.

"Guys, I got her! Let's go!"

All their heads turn sharply in our direction, smiling when they see me.

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