Dinners ready. - w.m

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A/n: this will probably be pretty short bc I cba to write a lot.

Warning: Wanda fluff, bad writing

Word count: 1524



I was just sitting down on the sofa, in mine and Wanda's room, my Xbox connected to the tv as I play Minecraft. I wanted to build a house for me and Wanda.

She was sitting next to me reading a book, I kept seeing her glance up at the tv, watching the game I was playing.

"Love," I mutter, trying to get some more stone on the game.

She hums in response, leaning her head against my shoulder while she holds the book in her hands, a fluffy blanket wrapped around us both.

"Do you wanna play with me?" Don't think like that. I mumble and kiss the top of her head, making a chest in the game and putting some of my resources in there.

"I don't know how to play, though," she pouts cutely. I chuckle softly, "I will teach you, darling,"

"Really?" She asks excitedly, putting the bookmark on her page and closing the book, turning her body to face the tv.

I nod and begin showing her stuff on the game.

~ ᗢ ~

Around 20 minutes later, I've explained to her the basic stuff she needs to know and showed her what every button on the controller does.

It was adorable watching her eyes light up when I let her press the buttons and do important things on the game, but, I needed to finish making our house. So I got her a different controller and connected it to the game, our screen now being split in half.

She giggles softly, making her character walk over to me. I laugh quietly and look over at her, "what?"

She shakes her head in response and makes her character run away from me. I roll my eyes and just carry on with getting some oak wood.

The house was actually coming along okay, I've done most of the architecture, only needing a few finishing touches, then I can start the

Every now and then I peek at the other side of the tv, looking at Wanda run around on her screen, swimming and dying, multiple times.

Around half an hour later, the house is nearly done, only needing some adjustments.

"Wan," I murmur, my eyes glued to my side of the screen as I look for some red carpet.

"Yeah, dorogoya," (sweetheart) she pouts, probably trying to figure out how to do something on the game.

"Come to the spawn point in a few minutes, please" I grin, looking at the house, it finally looking like a building.

Now, I know what your thinking, probably. Wanda is next to you and is looking at the same screen as you. Well, she is mainly looking at the controller to find the button to press and she's just been too busy doing her own stuff, so, I think I'm pretty good with her not knowing what I'm doing.

"Where's the spawn thingy," she whispers as her face flushes red slightly.

"Where you hit me and then fell and died,"

"Ohh, okay,"

after 3 minutes wanda arrives at the house, "what's this?" She questions, a smile growing on her face as she figures out what it is.

"Our house!" I exclaim, opening the front doors and letting her inside. She giggles softly as I enthusiastically show her around the house, I show her the kitchen, where she would obviously make Sokovian food.

E.O / W.M - ONESHOTSWhere stories live. Discover now