Arc 6, Chapter 5: Immovable Object

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Yang POV:

Well. This is a thing now. Glynda apparently requires each of us to train some kids for this class am I supposed to do that when I'm like this?

Weiss: "You alright Yang?"

Yang: "I would be able to train some 1st years properly if I was separated but I can't do that when I have the power to...well, we've seen it already."

Weiss: "That's a decent problem. It'll be hard to explain it to the others too."

Yang: "Yep. "Hey Ruby! Yep! I'm your brother and sister fused together! By the way, I can fight 3 maidens at once blindfolded!" It's been 2 hours, that's way too much change in such little time."

Weiss: "Oh well. You'll figure something out. There's 2 of you in there after all."

I sigh and we make it to the classroom. Weiss opens it and we both step in, though I'm very hesitant.

Glynda: "There you two are. Ozpin informed me that you two would be gone somewhere important with his permission so you'll be excused."

Thank you Ozpin.

Glynda: "Though...Yang. Your hair and eyes? Your uniform too! Where is it?"

I can't really talk because it'll reveal my double layered voice. Weiss thankfully chimes in just in time.

Weiss: "She's trying a new look. Since her two other siblings have black and red hair, she wanted to at least try it out for a little bit."

Thank you Weiss.

Glynda: "I...see. I'll excuse the uniform this time. Get to your seats. We'll be getting ready with the 1st years soon."

We both nod and go up to our other teammates, my sister and Blake. Weiss sits to the left of Ruby while I sit in between Ruby and Blake.

Blake: "..."

Ruby: "..."


Blake: "Alright what happened. You didn't dye your hair."

I sigh and run a hand through my hair.

Yang: "You two can keep a secret right...?"

Blakes eyes widen and Ruby looks a little freaked out.

Ruby: "U-Um...Yang?"

Blake: "What's with your voice? I swear it sounded like Eren a little in there..."

Ruby: "And YOU Weiss. You're acting way too comfortable about this!"

Weiss sighs and taps her notebook while staring down at the whiteboard with Miss Goodwitch.

Weiss: "I was there for probably the most mind blowing fight I've ever watched in my whole life."

Ruby and Blake look at her then back to me.

Yang: "Okay look. We went on another mission to an alternate world. Light merely asked if she wanted to watch. This world was stacked. No Grimm, both Eren and Blace being there, it was weird. Me and Eren were to fight all of them since it was training basically. As we started..."finishing" our fights, Maiden powers started flying around and even Atlas flew by Beacon to help."

Blake: "What the..."

Ruby: "And then what!" She says with her eyes sparkling.

Yang: "Well. The God of Light gave both of us an item. A two sided button, one side being red and the other being yellow. When both people pressed the same side, one of us would absorb the other and fuse our powers and strength into the other, creating a new fighter. We both tapped the Yang side, so I got Erens powers and all of that. It changed my appearance too which I didn't expect."

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