Tough Decisions

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Each day it's been getting harder for me to keep acting like everything's okay when in actuality, I want to lock myself in my room, curl into a ball and cry my eyes out.

Only two more days till Father's anniversary and the stress has already taken a toll on me. I can't sleep, I hardly pay attention in class( tis not like I'm missing anything important anyway), and Marinette has been trying to get me to tell her what's bugging me.

I really want to tell her, I do. But everytime I back down and tell her it's nothing important. It's my fault it happened not hers, so I can't put the burden on her.

Chloe and Adrien have also tried to make me forget all about my problems but I can't. It's just right there staring me in the face telling me it's my goddamn fault.

I don't know if I can keep it up any longer and I feel like I'm gonna lose it.

Just two more days, then I can stay home while mother goes to London. I'll just tell Marinette I'll be in London and then she won't have any reason to drop by. 

Perfect. Maybe.


"Felix, are you paying attention?" The incompetent teacher asked slightly annoyed. I only grunted in response which seemed to annoy the woman even more. "Are you okay, Fe?" Marinette asked from beside me. I didn't need to look at her to know she was worrying about me.

"I'm fine, princess. I promise." I replied her with a small smile. She nodded but didn't seem convinced. Just two more days, Felix. Hang in there.


"Felix, please tell me what's wrong. You're never this grumpy." Marietta pleaded. Class had ended and I was about to leave when she stopped me saying she had something important to tell me.

"Marinette..." I mumbled not knowing what to say. Do I tell or should I just keep it to myself. "We're friends, Felix. You can tell me anything."

"Please, Princess. I can't, Marinette. I'm sorry." I grabbed my bag and attempted to leave. "Why not, Fe. Don't you trust me?" She asked somewhat angrily. "I don't have to tell you everything, Marinette. Just stop it!"

"What kind of person would I be if my friend was suffering in silence, and I can't do anything to help him.". That stupid word,'Friend', I suddenly hated it more than anything in the world.

"Stop calling me that. Even after everything, you're still calling me that." Why that word made me mad all if a sudden, I have no idea. I just needed to vent my frustrations on something and Marinette calling me her 'friend' was really getting on my nerves.

It's not like we're dating or anything. I should be happy she even considers me her friend but at the moment, all I wanted was to be her boyfriend.

"Is that what all this is about, Felix?" She asked softly. "Yes and no. Seriously, I have to go. We're already late for the next class." I sighed and walked out of the class leaving behind a sulking Marinette.


After a smack on the head from Chloe and an earful from Adrien, I decided to tell Marinette why I'm going to be absent. Now I know what you're thinking.

Marinette probably went to snitch to her friends knowing they'll force me to talk but sorry to disappoint you. My princess is nothing like that.

Despite the fact that she tried so hard to hide it, Chloe instantly knew there was something off with Marinette. Adrian then pointed out that her mood changed after she spoke with me in the classroom despite the fact that she tried so hard to hide it. So now here I am, sitting in between two blondes while one is scolding me, the other is just giving me the disappointed look.

"Would you guys just shut up and give me some time to think?" "Think about what? Just go tell her already. She can't possibly hate you. Marinette doesn't hate anyone." Adrian ranted. "Except for Lila." Chloe added.

"Well true, but that's beside the point. If you keep it a secret from her, all she's gonna do is worry about you nonstop. Plus, she'll be upset and think you don't trust her enough."

Can't I just tell her when I'm ready?

AN: I just started college, so updates might probably be more frquent than usual depending on your answers. I need help on deciding something. Should i re-write this story but in third person or do i just leave it the way it is?

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