The Goldfish (SS)

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Sixth-year student Severus one day finds a jar by the Black Lake. When he notices a goldfish inside it, he decides to keep it. That decision turns out to be the best of his life.

This is a request from reajanxfox on Tumblr. Thank you for your request!

This is Ponyo-inspired. It's been MANY years since I watched that movie, so nothing might be accurate.

I hope you enjoy!

Published: 8/12/2022 ———————————————

Word count: 2.3k
Warning: Bullying

Severus sighs in relief. There's no sign of the Marauders. Great!

All the lessons have ended for the day, which means he's free to do whatever he wants. He's walking towards the Black Lake with a book in his hand. He enjoys reading by the lake, resting against a tree.

The only consequence is that Potter and his friends can easily show up and torment him. If he's lucky, they might be busy with something else. Quidditch, perhaps.

As he reaches the tree he always leans against, he notices something by the lake.

Raising an eyebrow, the sixth-year Slytherin walks closer to take a look. He spots a jar that's stuck in the water. He shrugs it off. Perhaps someone dropped it.

Just as he's about to walk away, he notices something inside the jar. It's a little goldfish. It barely has any water.

Thinking whether he should help it or just ignore it and read his book, he decides to let the fish go into the lake.

However, instead of tilting the jar, he looks at the small fish instead. Maybe he could keep it... As a companion. His parents couldn't afford an animal for him to bring to Hogwarts when he was a first-year. Maybe this could be his animal - to cure his loneliness.

He mutters 'Aguamenti' as the jar is filled with fresh, clean water. The goldfish is swimming happily inside the jar.

Chuckling, Severus takes it with him to the tree. He gently puts down the jar and starts reading his book. He occasionally looks from the book to the jar, observing his new companion.

Maybe this is the start of a new friendship.

A month later, Severus has grown rather attached to the goldfish. He hasn't given it a name, though - he's afraid something might happen to it one day. He doesn't want to name it and grow even more attached to it in case the fish might die or disappear.

He always keeps it close - in fact, he's hiding the jar inside his bag. That way, he can bring it with him wherever he goes without anybody knowing. He only retrieves it from the bag when he's alone.

He makes sure to feed it every day. He has invented a spell that conjures fish food. It's very handy as he doesn't need to spend any Galleons on buying the food for his friend.

He seems to like it. Or she. He has no idea what the gender is, but that doesn't matter. It's his goldfish and he loves it.

He's currently on his way to his usual reading spot. So far, he has managed to stay clear of the Marauders. He wonders how long that will last...

His inner thoughts spoke too soon. He has just sat down and taken out the jar, talking to his goldfish like he does every day. Unfortunately, the Marauders have spotted him.

"Look! Snivellus has got a fish!" Black exclaims to his friends as he points at the black-haired Slytherin.

The four Gryffindors approach him. "Nice fish, Snivellus. It's actually cleaner than you" Potter says, making Black burst out laughing.

One Shots (Severus Snape, Lucius Malfoy, Valtor/Baltor, Negan, Zuko)Where stories live. Discover now