«6» tw!

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Tw: sexual assault.
Kayson's pov

I hope she's just losing her goddamn mind.

She said no name. I know everyone in this stupid little goddamn state. If it's ANYONE from here I'll kill them. They all know that.

I made it to the hospital within 10 minutes, speeding the whole way here. Now I'm walking into the hallway her room is down. The door is closed, but not all the way. Kinda like if someone went in and didn't close it behind them.

I'll kill him.

I walk into the room quietly, seeing the back of some guy's head hovering above Davina's unconscious body. I sneak up quietly seeing the guy pull his pants down, all while she lays there unconscious.

I'll kill him.

I grab the man by the back of the neck, pulling him to me. "You pathetic ass fucking piece of shit." His eyes widen as he looks up at me, his fucking pill sized dick sitting out above his pants.

I quickly throw him down onto the ground next to the bed. Stomping on his groin and leaving my foot there while I check on Davina. His groans and annoying sounds of pain begin to piss me off as I continue to check up on Davina. Trying to wake her up.

Although maybe I shouldn't. I probably should take care of him first.

I smirk slightly and pull out my pocket knife, slowly removing my foot off of him. He tries to get up and run, but he's immediately met with the knife I hold in his only route of escape.

He falls back, a blood stain already emerging from just below his belly button on his stupid white t shirt.

"I dare you to run right now you sick bastard." I narrow my eyes onto his stupid ass fucking face. Slowly, I stalk toward him. Keeping a smirk on my face.

He's damn near in tears. He knows who I am. And he knows that ME catching him is probably the worst thing he's ever going to experience.

Stupid bitch.

I hear a gasp come from behind us and see that Davina has just gotten up. She looks in our direction and just sits there watching. Immediately covering herself up once she realizes Jeremiah Hale's eyes on her.

I turn back to him and punch him hard in the face, just for looking at her. Especially after what I just saw him doing. Fucking weirdo.

Blood quickly gushes out of his mouth, and falls onto my shoes.

Oh this sick son of a fucking bitch.

I slowly look up from from my now bloody shoes, right into his scared, wide eyes. "You have about 2 fucking seconds to leave before I cut your sick little dick off and feed it to you."

He smirks at me a little and let's out a low laugh. "Really? Little? I know you saw it." I send a knee right into his dick, making sure I don't touch his still exposed dick with my knee.

He groans in pain, sucking in a sharp breath. "Now you have .5 goddamn seconds before I chop your goddamn head off and feed it to your fucking family." He widens his eyes again, this time really comprehending what I'm saying. "Now" I grow annoyed and impatient.

He nods rapidly, trying to get his twig like body out of my grip. "If I see you come near Davina again.. I will be the last fucking person you see before you die." I let out a little psychotic, sarcastic smile and tilt my head still looking at him. "Yeah?" I let go of him, he pulls his pants back up and runs out of the room as he says, "I'll see you later, V."

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