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Current day

Jimins pov

I stand outside the stadium smiling as I wave to all my fans. I laugh as they all scream. I look around and see, mostly girls but a few guys.

I scream when taehyung, my best friend,  jumps on me "YOOOOOO" I laugh "hey tae I thought you had class today" he shakes his head "nope I got out of it today! The teacher let us all out after a girl got into a fight with the school popular kid"

He jumps off of me and I turn around "a girl got into a fight? With who?" taehyung nods "yeah with Kim woojin, the most popular boy in the class" I gasp "no way. Is she alright?" taehyung laughs "yeah the girls fine. She's actually a friend of mine"

I raise an eyebrow "I didn't know you had other friends" he shoves my arm "fuck you" I laugh "nah thanks. Now let's go I'm on stage in 5" he nods and we walk inside the stadium.


Jungkooks pov

I sit in the principles office as he lectures me about fighting. He sighs "you're a girl jungkook! Stop getting into fights" I stand up "what has my gender got to do with me getting into fights?" he looks at me "excuse me?"
I nod "you're not gonna start woojins lecture with 'you're a boy' so tell me Mr Smith! What has my gender got to do with me getting into fights?!"

He looks me up and down "w-well.." I scoff "and now you're gonna judge my weight! Fantastic!.....just cause I'm not some skinny bitch doesn't mean I'm ANY different! I have curves and I have a belly what's the issue with that?!.... No I don't wanna hear it! I'm done with this school, I'm done with being judged by my weight!"

I shove him away from me and smile "now I'm gonna take my gorgeous and flawless body out this door and I'm not coming back" I smile "bye boys~"

I walk out the room and then out of the school. I hear Lucy yell "NICE ROLLS FATTY" I laugh and smile "thanks, they're flawless aren't they?" I smile and then walk back home.

I walk inside and smile as I walk to my lounge and walk to the shelf where my fathers ashes were stored. I smile "I did it appa..i finally stood up to those assholes at school. I might be a bit overweight but my curves are amazing and I love them appa!"

I giggle "you were right! I love myself and that's final!... Thank you so much appa. I wish you were here to see me now" I smile and walk to my room and then look at my outfit

 I wish you were here to see me now" I smile and walk to my room and then look at my outfit

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I giggle and spin around in the mirror "I'm gorgeous!"

I finally feel great in my body! And I won't stand for anyone telling me differently. I'm beautiful and I love myself. I don't care what anyone else thinks!

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