Chapter Forty-Six: The Bond

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Chapter Forty-Six: 𝖙𝖍𝖊 𝖇𝖔𝖓𝖉.

word count: 3.8k

The gentle whisper of your name stirred you awake.

You shifted, but couldn't bring yourself to open your eyes yet. Exhaustion weighed heavily on your eyelids, and a dull soreness dominated your muscles. Fuzziness blocked your brain for a second. It took you a moment to realize the warmth engulfing you and the way your bare legs were tangled with someone else's. "Cyar'ika," came his voice again, quiet and hoarse. He pressed a kiss to the corner of your mouth, and you couldn't help smiling before burying your face underneath the sheets. "Wake up."


His heat slipped away from you, and that was what prompted your eyes to flicker open, uncovering your face from the blankets and watching as he tried to get up. But you wrapped your arms around his waist, drawing yourself to his chest and locking your legs with his. Only then did you actually feel the prominent ache in your inner thighs. "Don't get up yet..."

"Sorry," he mumbled softly into your hair, setting his head back down on the pillow with you. The cot was small, so you were forced closely against each other... But it wasn't like you minded. "I know it's only been a few hours, but we have to get going soon."

You hummed, staying silent as you listened to the rhythmic beat of his heartrate. You wished you didn't have to leave this position so quickly, but you couldn't miss your chance to rescue Grogu. Although this... This definitely loosened the knots in your stomach. There was still that pit of apprehension at the thought of something going wrong during the plan, but spending this time with Din had been enough to ground you and put you temporarily at ease. 

"I like this," Din whispered. His fingers carded through your hair (which didn't help you wake up whatsoever). You felt as his heart slowly accelerated, maybe because he was unsure of what you'd respond with...

"Yeah," you breathed out, setting a kiss to his collarbone. "Me too. This is nice."

His pulse quieted down as he relaxed again. You couldn't blame him for his concern over saying something wrong, because this was new for both of you. You had gained your fair share of lovers in the past—and you were sure Din had as well—but those were nothing compared to this. This was different and unexpected and crazy and so exciting... You really, really hoped you didn't somehow mess this up. Getting to this point had taken much longer than it should've.

"So..." Absentmindedly, your fingers traced the marks you'd left on his shoulders several hours ago. "If we do get ahold of Dr. Pershing and get Kryze on our team, then what? We just... raid the light cruiser?"

"We'll think the plan out more thoroughly with them. I'm sure Pershing will know if the kid is still there—and where he is, exactly. Then... we should have Grogu back with us in a few hours."

Narudar ━━ 𝘋𝘐𝘕 𝘋𝘑𝘈𝘙𝘐𝘕.Where stories live. Discover now