ghost boyfriends

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Ship: brance (

> bruce was dating vance before vance died and bruce ends up dying, and seeing vance again.

Bruce's POV:

I saw a light and suddenly saw vance standing in the corner of my eye and 2 other kids that I didn't know.

"Vance.. I-I found you, Where have you been?"

I gave him a kiss.

"dead.. your dead too."

"I'm dead?!"

I started to cry I had so much ahead of me, I was the best on the baseball team, everyone loved me.

"It's not that bad."

One of the kids who said coming closer towards me.


"Trust, me  if I could id come back alive but I can't do that now can I?"

Vance said and I sighed just accepting my fate sobbing in the corner. I felt arms hug me and I turned around seeing.

"How, can. You hug me if you're dead..?"

"We're both, dead dumbass so I can hug you Since we're both dead."

"Oh, yeah.."

"Why are we ghosts?"

" Okay. So this is a lot, did you hear the phone ring?"


"We didn't hear it either. Our job is to get justice for ourselves so, we try to call the grabber's victims I was the victim before you and I also didn't hear the phone ring, the grabber hears the phone ring but doesn't wanna believe it. Sometimes when we're bored we like to scare that asshole."

"So.. There's more we have to sit through and watch all these kids suffer?"

Vance went silent.

"Uh, so.. Wanna scare the grabber?"


The grabber walked downstairs with a new Victim.

He had longish hair and a bandana I think that was that robin kid just like me robin was passed out on the bed  robin could fight that's all I knew so I wasnt sure how the grabber got him.

We all sat around him.

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